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Mrs. Cutts Grocery Shop


master brummie
Does anyone recall Mrs. Cutts, who owned the grocery shop in Ash Road? I worked there after school and on Saturday's in the early 1960's. She paid me 1/- per hour.
Yes Sue we remember Mrs Cutts shop, she had a son called Peter. One memory is of her asking me [a teenager] to thread her needles, now i have the same trouble myself, i appreciate why she was asking...... I dont remember anyone else working in the shop thought. She used to be quiet stern i remember. I used to walk to Cherrywood SMM [left in 1963] with the girl next door to Cutts, Janet Groombridge. There were 3 shops that we used most: Mrs Cutts, Wrensons on the corner of Adderley Road and Duddeston Mill Road together with a shop opposite Woakes the butchers. Just like yesterday....... the memories flow........Best Wishes, Kathleen
Yes Sue we remember Mrs Cutts shop, she had a son called Peter. One memory is of her asking me [a teenager] to thread her needles, now i have the same trouble myself, i appreciate why she was asking...... I dont remember anyone else working in the shop thought. She used to be quiet stern i remember. I used to walk to Cherrywood SMM [left in 1963] with the girl next door to Cutts, Janet Groombridge. There were 3 shops that we used most: Mrs Cutts, Wrensons on the corner of Adderley Road and Duddeston Mill Road together with a shop opposite Woakes the butchers. Just like yesterday....... the memories flow........Best Wishes, Kathleen

I think I must have been 13 when I started working there. I'm sure that was the legal age I could work. So it would have been 1964. before I "became of age" I used to sort the pop bottles out in the back yard, Masons and whites. Also I used to fill up the chewing gum machines at the front of the shop. Mrs. Cutts used to give me a bars of Cadbury's chocolate for doing those jobs. On Saturday's I used to deliver the shopping. I carried endless boxes up Ash Road. Christmas was good as I used to get lots of tips.

Do you remember Mrs Harvey who used to work for Mrs. cutts? She lived iopposite the shop. I think she worked there full time for quite a while.

Do you remember Mr Long? He lived in between the flats I lived in (no 55) and Mrs. Cutts. He always used to give me 2/6p tip - a fortune. There was a bad fire in Mr Long's house at one time., the house was gutted for w ahile but I think he and his wife did come back.

Peter was a lecturer at Birmingham University. I remember him quite well but I was always shy of going through the house when he was home.

I went to cherrywood too, left in 1966. Did you know Jill Donovan?
Do you remember over the road from Mrs Cutts, there was a drapers shop on the corner of Ash and Adderley, then next door in Ash Road was the Post Office.

Did you go to Adderley Junior and Infants too?
Sue, wasn't the drapers shops named Bingham, I remember it because when sitting on the number eight bus, I would look at the name and think it rhymed with Gingham. Funny the things you remember after fifty years.

Regards Trebor
yes Sue i remember the Drapers shop too, and I think you are right Trebor, it was called Binghams, and run by two sisters maybe? The post office used to get really busy in those days.
At the back of Cutts shop was a high factory wall, but for the life of me cant think what they made or even where the entrance would have been. Have to have a look on google street view for Ash Road to see how its changed.
As for Mrs Harvey, dont remember her working at Cutts shop but there was a David Harvey, her son?, they lived over the road. Dont remember anyone name of Long though. I wonder what Peter Cutts used to lecture in, i would guess maths or Physics!