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Cherrywood Road Bordesley


master brummie
I have been given the 1920 -1935 address of of Alice Frances Cooper and her son George Edward Cooper at 365 Cherrywood Road Bordesley Green. I was very excited because I thought I might actually get to see a place where some of my ancestors lived.

They appear to have had a knack for living in places that got demolished for roads, universities etc. I searched on Google Maps and found a long Cherrywood Road, but alas, no 365.

There appears to be some sort of railway track built in the background of the pic. Does anybody know if houses were demolished to make way for any new construction?
Hi Ellie,

365 Cherrywood Road is Still standing, its the row of terraces just before the junction of Cherrywood Rd/Fordrough Lane. I have just checked Google and on that section of road "image is no longer available". Someone must have asked them to remove it. You could try again.

When I look at Cherrywood road on street view, from the junction with fordrough it shows ok. There seems to be some red "thing" on the right fuzzed up for some reason, possibly a mistake
hi ellie i visited 322 cherrywood rd yesterday as my ancesters lived there...the row of houses are still standing and behind them is the train track i have took some pictures of the street and shall TRY and upload them on here(just not sure where i can put pics,i guess in my profile?)

Great to see Cherrywood road.....by any miracle does anyone know if No's 28 & 30 Cherrywood Road are still there ???????

i used multimap online mapping to view 322 cherrywood rd,it located it precisely and showed me a real-life aerial view using the birds eye view option.i also did an address in prince albert street and it just came up with an empty plot so i think its reasonably accurate.why not give it a go?(i have had a quick look for you and its shows large houses built in the 50's maybe?im sure you'd know if it was the right one)

I have just looked at the pictures on this thread of 322 Cherrywood Road, Boadesley Green and I am taken aback at the newness of all the brick work. I lived at this address until I was eight and the house was bombed with an oil bomb, which split open. It was not raised to the ground at that time. I used to watch the trains go passed when I wasn't at school. Can anyone tell me if the Church 'The Rosary' and the Pub 'The Country Girl ' is still there? Miriam.
hi miriam,

do the houses still look the same tho or do you think they have been re-built?

i didnt notice a pub(although i didn't look that hard!,there was one called the queen elizabeth back down the main road),but look at my pictures about the rosary

samantha x

If you type Cherrywood Road into search at the top of the page, you will see some interesting facts come up about this Road.

Regards trebor
Hi Miriam,

The Country Girl is now a hostel for single men. The Rosary is still battling on, although the local population has changed there are still the faithful few who travel in from other areas for Mass.

Good morning everyone. was so interesting in all your writings. The shop on the corner was there when I was a girl [different owners, of course] - used to fetch bread and a dish of dripping for tea from there. Going right down Ford Road was a large Postal sorting Depot.
Was surprised about the Country Girl - my dad's drinking hole - might have a picture. Sorry to hear of the Rosary - went back to the area when I was 60 [now 76] and went round the Church - there is/was a freeze around the walls, telling of the nights of the bombing.
About the buildings - from the picture it seems that all the garden walls are newly built. When I went back, I did notice that the houses all looked very clean and newly painted. Loved to watched the trains go past. There is a change by the large Single House -this house was further back and the garden was tree and bush covered and a lady lived there with a disabled daughter. At some time, we children went to a house [may have been 365] for school lessons for a time. I now keep getting little flashes of my days there. Miriam.
Numbers 18- about 34 were removed by the German Airforce. I lived at number8 between 1942 and 1968

D Jones
Hi D Jones,
I lived at 6 the back of 38 Cherrywood road between 1945-1955.
No 38 and others were just a bomb site.
I guess i should remember your name, but it was a long time ago!
Families i do remember were the Bray, Allen and Bagnell.
Were you at the 1953 street party?.

A. Fisher.

A Fisher