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Windows 10

Just had email saying W10 is on its way to me, could be a few hours or a week or two. Also gave a link to download straight away but it means downloading to a USB memory stick or DVD, think I'll wait until it arrives.
If you want it now use the link I gave in post#136 and choose 'upgrade my computer' (you won't need memory sticks etc) and also choose 'keep my existing files' and after about 2 hours you will have it looking like a shiny version of Windows 7.
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Hi Windows 10 downloaded over night, set it off and went to bed and there it was when I got up. I've had a play for a couple of hours. One question please. I have created a "favourites bar" from a few web sites. How can I pin these favourites to the "Start Screen"
I do the following that works for me:- Hold down the "windows" key (front left) press "prt sc" back right. Print is found in "Photos" under Screen prints. Good Luck
Also, right click on the file name and there should be an option to print, this is the quick way.
My Windows 10 looks just like Windows 7 and works like it ... 'Flight Mode' was on when I took this shot.
Everything I want quickly is pinned to the taskbar at bottom of screen.
I received a Notification pop-up from Microsoft on screen asking 'What did I think about Windows 10 ?'
I told them I was very satifisfied and could not think of anything to improve it ...
My old windows 7 PC gave up the ghost and I was forced to buy new PC with W8.1, had fun and games and lots of swearing in installing it. Strangely had no problems downloading W10, a box appeared saying 'download W10' I clicked on it and it downloaded in 55 minutes, was pleased with the improvements but still prefer W7, have a few minor problems but should be able to sort them out (there is always my Grandson) Eric
On the whole 10 seem sto be quite acceptable on the one I have activated it on (leaving the other for the moment). Only thing is when it goes to sleep, or is put to sleep, it won't wake up. I have to preess ahrd on th eon/off button and then start up again. Apparently a number of other HP computer users have the same problem
You can shut it down by pressing the Power button!

The Windows 10 Photos app crashes after a few seconds. Microsoft will need to fix that. But I already have other photo programs that still work.

Cortana is ok, but it searches in Bing, not Google (have to type in as I don't have a microphone on my PC).

Internet Explorer has been replaced by Microsoft Edge. They have also put on new music apps, video apps etc. Not that I will use those! My existing ones are fine (e.g. iTunes).
I had a feed back request, so had a mini rant about things I couldn't do, THEN after a bit more messing about realised how to do carry out most of these actions
But still don't like that when you shut down web sites etc. it goes to "desk top" then to power down you have to switch to the "start" screen. Is there a way to go to start straight from "Edge"?
For quick shut down, I created a desktop icon which targeted C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -h
It can be seen in the screenshot in post#158, third icon from top left.
Since then I've pinned it to the task bar so I can shut down no matter what I have on screen.

The 'space' before -h in the target is essential.
fairly happy now, just 3 problems, how do I get (1) disc clean up (2) defragmentise and (3) restore to an earlier date, any one able to help ?? Eric
Change power options by going to 'settings/system/power and sleep' then if need be, 'additional power settings'. I have a different problem. Friday I logged into my outlook email to check on emails, since then when I want to start my computer I have to 'sign in' with my outlook account and a password. I'm signing in ok but In all my years of computing I have never done this before as no one else uses my computer. I have looked at changing my administrator options, but to be honest I am a bit nervous about messing around with it. I just want to get back to how it was. Looks like another problem for the son to solve.
fairly happy now, just 3 problems, how do I get (1) disc clean up (2) defragmentise and (3) restore to an earlier date, any one able to help ?? Eric

One thing about W10 it has a brilliant search facility. Anything you want, type into the 'Search The Web and Windows' box at the bottom of the screen. I have just tried it using those terms you asked about and you get all the answers you need.
Another thing, Type 'Contol Panel' into the search box and you get the old familiar control panel where you can uninstall your programs if you want.
I have a different problem. Friday I logged into my outlook email to check on emails, since then when I want to start my computer I have to 'sign in' with my outlook account and a password. I'm signing in ok but In all my years of computing I have never done this before as no one else uses my computer.

Logging on with your email address and password started with Windows 8.

In previous versions of Windows you just needed a logon "name", like Fred, and an optional password.

However you can still set Windows to require only a logon userid if you wish and NOT your email address/password combination.
Windows 10, I like it! My laptop came with 6GB memory, but Windows 7 32 bit limited it to 3.5GB. Now with Windows 10 I have 5.5GB memory and I've installed Chrome 64 bit beta, so much faster browsing.
Well my experience of trying to install W10 as an update from a memory stick has been 8 hours of wasted time. It refused to recognise the 25 character ID, yet actrivated from exactly the same number a few days ago. OK, with a bit of fiddling about you can skip that, say yes to the conditions, and get told to restart the machine - there is no way to do this without crashing the machine - after removing the stick. And that's where it all went pear-shaped, but I did manage to get back to W7 without having to resort to my previously made backup. Yes, there are a couple of troubleshooting screens on the way, but none of them were able to resolve the problem.

I might try sticking it on an old W8.0 laptop, but I am not hopeful and am very wary of it screwing up my main machine if I try again. So far I am anything but impressed.

I updated a couple of laptops with no problems, so today I decided to take up Microsoft's offer to update my W7 desktop which uses a Dell 24 inch monitor screen. Installation went well until I started W10 and the screen was flashing on and off. From Google on my iPad I found out the monitor/graphics card is not compatible with W10 and Dell are not issuing new drivers.

With the screen flashing it was rather difficult finding the 'Restore Previous Version of Windows' procedure and watch a long process of going back to Windows 7, it was rather scary ... but all restored now ...

It very much seems as though we should apply the old maxim - if it ain't broke, don't fix it! W10 seems to give us little, if anything, that we don't already have via W7. Most of these new versions of software - Windows, Photoshop, Office, etc - seem to offer nothing for the ordinary man in the street. Certainly the last two versions of Photoshop have offered nothing for photographers and now you have this wretched cloud version, which I presume will be useless if the net goes down. So far W10 = STRESS! :-)

Hi Maurice - Windows 10 in my laptop runs fine but I don't find it much different to W8.1. I had one error and something called 'Watchdog' automatically sent a report to Microsoft and then restored the laptop to the day before! I know this because some things I had deleted reappeared. My desktop computer is back on W7 and running fine, it is wired to the router and I use it mainly for banking etc. So after all the W10 'excitement' it's onward with normal computing ...

I doubt if anyone on this site seriously uses MIDI, but I have just received an email from Notation Software to the effect that they are not yet able to recommend the use of their software with W10. A serious W10 bug was reported to Microsoft in early December 2014 and has still not been addressed. It is to do with the GS Wavetable Synth, which is also frequently used by such things as the audio on electronic greetings cards, though whether it actually affects them, I doubt.

Well in the last couple of days I have had the dreaded blue screen of death twice. The error message that comes up is IRQL_NOT_LESS_MORE_EQUAL. Sending an error report. I have googled it but its all double dutch to me.
Bought my new Acer PC Saturday, did not like W8.1, had no trouble downloading W10, just 58 minutes, an improvement on W8.1 but still not a patch on W7 (to me anyway, others may think different) so have arranged to have my 4 year old HP PC repaired, think its only the CD/DVD player and go back to good old W7 which to me is simple and straightforward for non techies like me. Will put my new PC back in its box for future use. Eric