Hi Maurice,
I have to admit that apart a different 'look' and being able to say '
I'm running Windows 10' I have not noticed any great differences in using W7 or W10. All the icon shortcuts I had on screen with W7 reappeared on W10. Only the task bar at the bottom has a different look but most of the items in it were there with W7. Even my W7 background pic reappeared.
Perhaps I am not using W10 as Microsoft intended.
I don't use the new 'Start' screen much, I mostly use the desktop shortcut icons and the task bar at the bottom
I did not open a Microsoft account, I already have accounts with Apple and Google.
I don't use the new Edge browser, I still use Chrome or Internet Explorer 11.
I don't use Cortana, I use Apple's Siri for reminders.
I now use my old laptop by keeping it out of the way behind a sofa and connecting it to my dual input 24" screen. I set it to respond to my wireless keyboard and mouse. To use the laptop I only have switch it on and it takes over the screen, keyboard, and mouse, and I see W10 on a big screen and it also connects to stereo speakers.
My attempted upgrade to W10 on my W7 desktop computer went badly (see post#172) and I had to to downgrade back to W7 so I now use it connected to the other input on the screen and when switched on it takes over the screen, keyboard, and mouse, and I see W7 on screen.
I just have to make sure I never switch them both on at the same time ...