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St Georges Day Meet, Stags Head

will go take a look pol...:) now could someone please point out lynne webb and daughter vicki please...not like me not to know everyone...:D:D

ps no need to point froth out...i know him:cry:
dont be froth....like everyone else you flew the flag with pride..:thumbsup:and how fitting that the meet was held in the parish of st george...:)
polly...you have to watch these snappers on the forum...:rolleyes: they can be lurking anywhere and catch you off guard...must be honest ive now met so many lovely members over the past 14 months or so that i cant always rememer just who i have met....:cry:
Wendy offering a karate chop never . She was asking if i would put my little northen friend Barry in the raffle as she was running out of prize's . I told her she had put in him the one at the Black Horse and he was still waiting to be claimed. Oh I forgot another great meet. Looking forward to the bus trip. And by the way i have got Little Barry a ticket, so if any of you ladies claim Barry before then, please make sure he is suitably dressed, ie no leotards loincloths or thongs,it may well be drafty. Thank you.
Been away for a few days, so have'nt posted properly about the last meet. Must say another great day with old friends, and nice to meet some new ones. Well done to the folks who do the organising on the day like the raffle and things. I know the no 11 bus trip is coming soon and we are all looking forward to that, but there are lots of members who wont be able to join in because of the limited place's , so maybe we could arrange a meet after the bus journey. or perhaps someone would like to nominate somewhere else of local historical interest to visit. with one proviso must be near a pub.

Green Man, aka, Lad in the Lane Excluded.
hi rob....well we have the birmingham assay office trip on the go at the min...all the details have been posted..

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