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St Georges Day Meet, Stags Head

Great photos maggie - it makes me realise how many people I still don't know - next meet I'm going to speak to everyone :)
Lovely to meet everyone again and really great to meet the newer members ..see you all at the next one:):)
vicki it was a pity i couldnt get there today to meet you and the other new members:( but fear not...there will be other meet ups im sure:):)

All St George photographs (including Birmingham Centre) now on line at https://tinyurl.com/2u6lak7

Great photo's Dave what a lovely day for the Morris Dancing. I really fancy a trip on the open top bus as you say you can see more!

Shortie and Jan had a great time and wanted me to thank everyone. Shortie is having trouble accessing the forum hopefully postie can sort it soon.
Seems like you all had a great time! (To be expected.) Sorry I couldn't make it this time.:( Still, had a nice BBQ at my daughters and wore my St George T Shirt so was with you in spirit.
BTW Chris how did you have the energy to still go to the Lad afterwards???? Hope Cath's leg hets better soon.:)
Seems like you all had a great time! (To be expected.) Sorry I couldn't make it this time.:( Still, had a nice BBQ at my daughters and wore my St George T Shirt so was with you in spirit.
BTW Chris how did you have the energy to still go to the Lad afterwards???? Hope Cath's leg hets better soon.:)

It was my youngest grandson connor's idea. "Can we go to the pub with the garden"he said. I got him well trained:)