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St Georges Day Meet, Stags Head

A good job done Chris nice to see everyone must mingle more to get to know you all at the next meet.Well done to Wendy for her effort s on the raffle and to Prof for donating the food money to the Air Ambulance a great collection by you all.
Good company,good beer, great food,
the price was right.
Well done again prof, and fantastic donation,we never know when we might
need there help.
Met new friends and old one,s good time was had by all.
Regards dereklcg.....
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thanks for the great pics derek...:) i like pic 1....froth looks to me like he really got a grip on proceedings....:thumbsup:

Really glad everyone had a great day. Unfortunately I was working, (someone has to, while you are all enjoying yourselves). These meets seem to be getting better and better. Thanks to all that posted the pictures. Its nice to see everyone again, (although from a distance). The standard of photos is fabulous. Well done all for raising such an amount for the Air Ambulance, the site funds, and what a generous thing for Prof to do. Big round of applaus to him, and his team.
Looks and sounds like a great day was had - again - pity I missed it ! Thanks for all the posts.
Thanks everyone for making it such a great meet once again, didn't get around to speaking to everyone, but that can put that to rights the next time.
A very big thank you to Prof and his staff for a fabulous spread and his very generous donation.
Here is my contribution to the pictures of the day.
smashing pics bri....:) i think next time we will all line up and ask you to walk the line (you know...a bit like royalty):D and shake hands with everyone....:Dthat way its all done in one foul swoop and you can sit down again...:D

great meet Frothie liked your outfit , do you think that style will ever come back Ha Ha Cheers mate
smashing pics bri....:) i think next time we will all line up and ask you to walk the line (you know...a bit like royalty):D and shake hands with everyone....:Dthat way its all done in one foul swoop and you can sit down again...:D


I refuse to dress up like the Queen!! :D:D
smashing pics bri....:) i think next time we will all line up and ask you to walk the line (you know...a bit like royalty):D and shake hands with everyone....:Dthat way its all done in one foul swoop and you can sit down again...:D

lyn thats sounds good, pic with name would help :):):):):)

sorting a few pics out :):D
:D:D dave...well i pity us....frothy is going to be wielding his sword:cry::cry:
