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St Georges Day Meet, Stags Head

Sorry about the quality, they were took on my mobile and not very good I'm afraid. These are about the best of the lot.
1/ Somethings tickled Maggie. 2/Engrossed in photographs. 3/ Maggie taking a pic of Cath's cast.

hi all...so glad you had a good time...thanks for the pics terry:) im pleased to see that john and june made it....

Thanks everyone for supporting the raffle.
And thanks to Prof for donating the takings for that wonderful Buffet .Total £123.80:)

This is the receipt Air Ambulance

Online Donation (Amount: 123.80
Gift Aid: Yes)

SubTotal :​
Shipping and Handling Fee :​
Tax Total :​

Customer's note:
This amount was collected by the..Birmingham History Forum.
I had a great time and now I seem to be the official raffle person.......lol What a result we raised £60 for the Air Ambulance thanks to all those who donated prizes. To add to this the money raised for the food I think it was £63 but Postie will confirm was given back to us by Proff who wanted it put towards the air ambulance. The food was as before excellent. Thanks to everyone for your support:).
I think a big thank you to Prof and his staff for his hospitality and the marvelous food and the donation of the money for the food to the Air ambulance.
Great time, great company, great venue, great donation to the air ambulance, in short GGRREEAATTT....:):)

WE also received £ 52.70 for site funds.
Perfect end to a great week.:):)
Great time, great company, great venue, great donation to the air ambulance, in short GGRREEAATTT....:):)

WE also received £ 52.70 for site funds.
Perfect end to a great week.:):)

We should all pat our selves on the back:thumbsup:
what a fantastic amount raised for the air ambulance:thumbsup: and a very nice gesture from prof...how kind of him:) well done wend for keeping up with the raffles just hope froth didnt draw his own number again:D

A wonderful turn-out for a wonderful occasion. Thanks to all involved in the organization of the meeting. Wish I could have stayed longer.

More photos on my blog soon.
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Thank you Froth for organising this meet - it's the first me and my hubby have been to and we had a lovely time.
Thanks to Mike g and Colin B who spoke to me as soon as I went in, even though they didn't know who I was - always a relief when you walk into a room full of people you don't know (apart from the lovely wendy - who was busy with the raffle).
Lovely to meet people and put faces to names - hope I remember them all :rolleyes:.
Lovely atmosphere in the pub & lovely food :) . Great result from the raffle and very generous of prof to donate the food money.
Thanks to everyone for a lovely afternoon - just realised I have used the word lovely 6 times (7 now) in this post - a sure sign of a good time.
Polly :)
p.s -Froth - what a lovely daughter you have (8 times now)
oops i nearly forgot...can we all have a round of applause for froth....:)...you just beat me to it polly....so glad you had a good time and hope we will meet soon...
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Also meant to say how nice it was to meet The Boss - who is as nice and as funny in person as I thought he would be.
polly :)
I didn't d0 anything. It was Wendy who ran the show.Thank you Polly for your remark about my Daughter. I agree she is lovely
Urm I only did the raffle! Frothy there wouldn't have been a meet if you hadn't organised it. Postie and Hilary helped as well I didn't fold the tickets... It was a great team event!! thanks to everyone.
Urm I only did the raffle! Frothy there wouldn't have been a meet if you hadn't organised it. Postie and Hilary helped as well I didn't fold the tickets... It was a great team event!! thanks to everyone.

OK Wendy I agree:)

:) I`ll second all that`s been said, well done all :), sorry if I did not say hello to all :(, next time :):thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::handshake::handshake::0314:
thanks for a really great time.it was the first meeting we had been to but it wont be the last.Polly has said what i was going to say about
not knowing anyone but maggie and heather took us inside and introduced us to derek,john and linda b and they made us so welcome.
we have ordered our badges so we will be all ready for the next one.
thanks to the organisers everything was great.

Nice to see that you had such a good time. Well done to all that attended and to those that work making it all possible. Once again sorry that I couldn't be with you I was away in Liège (southern Belgium) for a meeting of the International Cycling Federation, Graham.