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Our parents over the years.

Hi Jean,
I put one on of my Mom so I thought I'd better put one on of my Dad age 14 in 1924. He had just left Shenley Fields.

You just pipped me to the post then. Lovely one of your dad could you imagine the lads of that age today dressing like their dads I don't think so?. Jean.
Jean, I wouldn't know an aspidestra stand if I saw one, but it looks a nice stand. Looking at old photos, it is nice to see our Dad's in smart suits. I've just realised that I don't seem to have seen a photo of my Mom and Dad's wedding, but have seen some of Aunts & Uncles weddings! I'll be seeing my sister tomorrow and must ask her about this - she looks after all the photos.
That's something I can't find not one of their wedding. They were married for about 14 months before my brother arrived so it wasn't a behind closed door affair. I will ask my brother when he returns from his holiday. I only said this to Patty the other day. Strange isn't it. Jean.
Mom and dad camping Alcester 1934.
What style my old man had,where did he get his cossy from?
Went down to see him this morning and I swear he look's younger now than he did then.:rolleyes:.
Jean,how smart your dad looks as a 14 year old.
Seeing as you can't find you parents wedding photo.you can share mine.:)
There are only 2 of this group left,the little bridesmaid,my lovely cousin May and my dad.
Re: Our parents over the years.Jeromes studio

Many moons ago before the advent of photo IDs etc; most people I knew in Birmingham when needed a photo used to go to Jeromes in Martineau Street, our
into town used to stop outside the shop doorway. The studio was down stairs in the basement, and I can remember it was always full of servicemen and women
having their photographs taken for family and friends I
still have one dated 1943 that I had done there in brand
new army cadet uniform, bet it would not fit now.Quote
Is it better to keep your mouth shut and let people think
you are fool rather that open it and confirm it!
Villa fan for sure...this is the latest photo taken today of my nephew Jeremy whom I went to visit last month. He is sitting up now.
Heres a photo of my mom and dad in the 60s, at Caister on Sea. and one of my mom and me in 1941 in the back yard at our house in Highters Road Warstock.
John Is the second photo of your mom taken in the same place as your aunt on the aunts and uncles thread?. Lovely photo's again. I have one of my parents on one of those holiday camp bikes. Jean.
That is a lovely photo Di and I bet you have lovely memories of those holidays with your parents at the sea side I sure do. We were satisfied just to have a bucket and spade and hunt for crabs in those days don't ever remember going into an arcade. Jean.
John Is the second photo of your mom taken in the same place as your aunt on the aunts and uncles thread?. Lovely photo's again. I have one of my parents on one of those holiday camp bikes. Jean.

Hi. Jean. Yes they were both taken in the the same place, when mom died in 1991 we found some negatives that had never been developed and had the prints done off them, and these were amongst them, dating back to 1941, there are one or two others as well, one with my grandad feeding his chickens, as the war was on of course then lots of people kept chickens and grew thier own veg.
What a lovely thread with such lovely photo's. I especially like the one of Di with her Mom it should say a picture is worth a thousand words. I loved our holidays at Caister when my boys were young ohh the memories.:):)
Just lovely Alf she looks so happy..........I think I need a smile at the moment.:):):)
Found these you mightlike to see.

No.1. My dad about 20 years old.

No.2 Dad in Trilby [brother with arms akimbo] out side Country girl pub in Boardsley green.

No.3 Me and my Mom - hoiday at New Brighton.

No.4 Mom with my brother [I wasn't a twinkle then] no idea of place.
I love looking at these photo's such lovely bit's of a time captured. Thanks for posting them Al.:):)
Oh. Dad was the real dandy - all his life [until 72] he was always turned out well. Incidently, I was the one who pressed his sits. !! Miriam
Lovely photo's Alf and Miriam the ironing lady. Pete will get back to you about putting photo's on later on. This is one of my dad with Prince the dog and Tibby the cat in our Holte road garden. He passed away a couple of years later. Jean.