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Old street pics..

I must say Bernie, that although the photos are older than me, the scenes had not changed that much even by the late 50's, and I recognised them from my youth, brings back such happy memories for me, thanks for posting.paul
Everything changes so fast now. I liked Call The Midwife on TV as it was set around when I was born and I can remember the clothes and the way of life and the surroundings and gadgets such as they were as they didn't seem to change. Even the haircuts. Things changed a bit in the 60's don't you think then at an amazing rate. If you filmed something now I think it would be hard to guess what decade we were in.
Wow I would not recognise it. There is an old pub which looks empty called The Rocket named after the engine . its on Warwick Rd opp the old goods yard now Central Six shopping area. That could be it. Dad had a photo of the other side of the road where the Station Hotel was which was an Antique seller later when I first worked. The man gave us a case of 'amtique wine', Graves, one xmas ,
it was vile, I might like it mow. All gone now. Nice car too. Thank you Bernie.
Thanks for Nico's comments. Berniew, I would like to know the source of this photo as I would like to research it further particularly on the dates. Coventry station was opened in 1838 on Warwick Road. In 1840 the entrance was moved to a larger building on Eaton Road and the Warwick Road entrance became the station master's house. In 1959 the Warwick Road and Stoney Road bridges were rebuilt enabling the station to be rebuilt and enlarged to 4 longer platforms. This photo looks to me as if it was the Warwick Road entrance as I cannot believe that a building like that would have survived as the entrance to the main station in a city the size of Coventry.
Thank you Berniew. For others who might be interested I show from the Warwickshire Railways website, the drawing taken from the Illustrated London News in 1838 which proves myt assumption that the photo was the original which was in use as the entrance for only a couple of years.
Coventry Station 1838.jpg
Bernie the bonded warehouse I think was originally attached to Hockley Train Station. The entrance if I remember rightly was on the corner of Pitsford/Icknield Street.
HI Carol
The entrace to the rail way station was at he corner of ickneild street
and the junction of park rd just as you approached the big dark tunnel
on ickneild rd it was at an angle with the begining of park rd and facing the old crem ; in the ickneild street of the key hill cemetry and facing the litle pub
wich i think was called the railway or the westen pub a dirty brown pub
which was busy lunch time and used by the brs the old british rilway workers
whom used to deliver parcels and that entrance was used by the working staff and a public use for catching the train there to the city or where ever they want to go around pitford street was the bonding ware house also the doors you have seen was a loading and unloading bay to come in or out for lorrys
but abit further along was the main section of the walling you see was a massive gates where the big lorrys of british rail would be parked it was a massive yard
and the frontage of the wharf there wopuld be rail way cars parked there and the british railway deliver vechicles would be park up also what youwould have seen is the old pickford company whom done alsorts of removals with there big lorries and there cranes parked in there that was pickford crane hire offices directley across the rd facing he gates pickfords had there small yard ajoining there office but it could not catuer for the big plant so they parked there as well
when you walked under the tunnell you got pickford street but directly facing before ou turn into pickford street there was an opldpub with the old cream tiled wlls around it i think it might have been the squirrel pub i may be wrong on the name but it was definately a pub but regards hockley staion and the bonding ware house that was it best wishes Astonian
Cato Street..
Astonian, we used to go and sit on a very high wall almost at the top of the road by All Saints and do our train spotting there. We run under that bridge in Icknield Street a few times letting off bangers around Bonfire night. I hope you are feeling much better now. Carol
Thanks for the link Bernie et al.
I found a photo of my old playground - oops! Stechford Marshalling sidings - where us nippers used to go and play among the wagons - very happy memories!!!
Cattle landings in Banbury Street.jpgCattle landings in Banbury Street cattle were sold at the adjacent Montague Street before being driven to be slaughtered down Fazeley Street to the Bull Ring market area