Would someone identify where on Monument Road this was for me please. I feel I should know it but can't place it.View attachment 87592Monument Road
View attachment 87592Monument Road[/QUberniew .
This picture brought back memories of August 1949. When as an 18 year old bride "Caves' was where I purchased a dining & bedroom suite. for our newy built home in Perry Bar. The suite.s were the first furniture to be exported from Poland after the war. It was lovely to have "non utility frurniture.' I still have & use the sideboard & table here in Calfornia.
Thank you for the memories.
Stephenson Place 1963 by John Ball photographer, this is wonderful! be careful it will make you cry:sorrow:
View attachment 87605
Would someone identify where on Monument Road this was for me please. I feel I should know it but can't place it.
David, as you come down from the Ivy Bush it was on the left hand side on the corner of the first road, but I cant rember the name of the road.
New Street / Worcester Street 1963 by John Ball PhotographerView attachment 87615New Street Worcester Street 1900 courtesy connecting histories