These are all fine pictures of course and what comes to mind, for me anyway, are the suttle disconnects with today , here and there. On the previous post one can see a junction, not more down town but a fairly major one never the less and there are the corner shops. More of them here say than the corner Aston and Nechells single instance of a grocers or something, (fellow 'back to backers' not to take offence). More because of a more affluent area of houses and more money to spend maybe. Anyway this area now is maybe nothing to shout home about but back then it looks more grand. What I was wanting to say was that the modern version does not seem to include the corner store anymore, with shopkeepers living in premisses above. Now more likely an uninspiring parking lot with lock-up stores of no distinction representing national chains. No shopkeepers, making a living and adding to the flavour of the community with their lives and attractive stores in keeping with the surroundings.
If one could look down that road or similar ones now it would be lined with cars perhaps. Back then we had the trees and the sidewalks and the neighbors we knew and one could go to the city on the tram which would be by every ten minutes or so. (ok a half hour and then three come by) Still one wonders what has been gained overall in the quality of life. In the constant search for immediacy to offset a lack of depth. I am reminded of a pal's often repeated joking statement 'deep down it is shallow'.