Sorry to poke my nose into this fascinating conundrum, but may I add another query that I'm struggling with for help....that is, the homes of John particular these blighters that Chinny mentions in his biog copied Gt gt nan lived at 90 Moseley Rd, which is still there, in an impressive row of old Georgian and Victorian mansions opposite the Park....but No 145...?
"According to the 1851 Census, Feeney was living at 145, Highgate - the Moseley Road neighbourhood. Aged 42, he was given as a newspaper proprietor who was born in Ireland. His wife, Barbara, was fifteen years younger than he and was local, having been born in Edgbaston. Living with them were his sister, Margaret White and her son who had been born in New South Wales, Australia; his sister-in-law; two servants and three children. These were Peregrine (thirteen), Mary (eight) and William (six). All were born in Birmingham. Ten years later, Feeney had moved to the more affluent Church Road, Edgbaston where another son, John is noted. Barbara was Feeney's second wife. We do not know the surname of his first wife, Rebecca Sophia, who was the mother of all the children mentioned above and all of who were baptised in Anglican churches. Feeney's marriage to Barbara in 1850 was also consecrated according to the rites of the established Church of England in Saint Peter's and Saint Paul's, the parish church of Aston, and both of them are interred in a vault beneath the Erdington chapel of the church. Feeney was a great benefactor to the church and this may have led to the naming of Frederick Road after him."
So...anything would be a huge bonus, maps included mike...145 Highgate, ...Church Road, Edgbaston ? census available for me yet (too mean)...or Frederick Road old shots? God knows which one!! Sorry....