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Old street pics..

this photograph is the junction of Lees road Devonshire street and Devonshire avenue not Kent street north
I spend many happy hours browsing through the photos (in the name of research of course) and today found the answer to a question which has been puzzling me for a long time. Dennis Williams pointed out that there had been a 'Beggars Bush' on the road near the Yenton. I've had a map for some years and this is actually marked but I couldn't figure it out until now. The map is really a sketch rather than a scale drawing so I just assumed it was wrong. Never Assume! Thanks Dennis.
Just found the picture of Snow Hill with the Salutation on the left. That really takes me back, I'm in the front seat on my Dad's lap on the 5A bus, just rounding the corner from Summer Lane. We got on at the terminus and always had the front seats. We had several things to spot along the way, starting with the Hebrew Cemetery at Witton followed by the larger one all the way down the Rigeway, then it was the oily river on the right in Witton together with the black and white 'whirly thing' of Higgs Motors then up to Six Ways, along Summer Lane with the joke shop near Asylum Road not forgetting to spot the Morgue at the end(!) and round the bend where with great excitement we spotted 'town'. What was the big bird with glasses on at the top of Snow Hill? He advertised specs. Big disappointment on the way back if we couldn't get the front seats or at least left-hand ones so we could do a reverse spotting journey. Wonderful memory, thankyou.
#4329, great photo, love the conductor, and a great "local" shop, even from my younger days, which sold everything. Thanks for posting. Paul
%34 -36 Clarkson Street.jpg%40 Clarkson Street.jpgClarkson Street Bordesley looks like the houses may be due for demolition anyone know where Clarkson Street was first picture 34-36 2nd 40
Have been through the Birmingham directories taking about one every 5 years from 1955 to 1921 and can find no Clarkson st in Birmingham. The electoral roll does not list one either . The nearest is Clark St, but that is ladywood.
Have been through the Birmingham directories taking about one every 5 years from 1955 to 1921 and can find no Clarkson st in Birmingham. The electoral roll does not list one either . The nearest is Clark St, but that is ladywood.

mike if the street was in birmingham i wonder if it disapeared before 1921...
%map adams street.jpg%map adams street 1.jpg% map clarkson st.jpgThanks for all your help folks Clarkson Street ran parallel with Dartmouth Street from Richard Street to Heneage Street as John said it seems to have been renamed in the 1939 map seems to be Adams Street The first map is 1880

N Wheatley Funeral Directors have buried nearly all my family that I can remember. As far back as I can remember they have been located on Moseley Rd next to what was St Pauls Church. I understand that before they operated from there they were at Hinckley Street - Hill St in the City.

I have looked out this photo of Wheatley's on Moseley Rd. The info with the photo says that they have been located there for over 60 years and that they came from Station Street in the City. That would tie up with Hill St - Hinckley St.


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Does anyone have a photo of Summer Row which was on Summer Road, which ran off Soho Road in Handsworth back in the 1860-1880s? The road no longer exists and it has been replaced by Ivy Road - the Ivy House pub being on the corner (itself now replaced by an Indian restaurant). Here is a map of the area - sorry I don't know date of map - the road along the bottom is Soho Road.

There was only one Station Street the others were Station Roads I believe, but just to be sure I looked them up in Kelly's They were at 51 Station Street and also in Hinckley Street. I would imagine the premises ran straight though from Station St to Hinkley St. Whilst going through my files I found this, apparently they still had premises in Station Street in the 60's.


  • Station Street.JPG
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The renaming of Adams St is most peculiar. It is listed as Adams St till the 1904 Kellys. In the 1905, 1908 , 1910 & 1912 Kellys it is listed as Clarkson St. Then in 1913 it reverts to Adams St. Whoever Clarkson was must have fallen under a cloud. Unfortunately the newspapers in Birmingham for that period are not yet online
Then position of Nathaniel Wheatley's business in Hill st is shown on the c1889 map below. The shape of the site, with large built-over entrance to the left fits with the picture. I would suggest that the picture is after 1897, as up till then the business is described as Nathaniel wheatley, whereas it is only later that it becomes Wheatley & Son. It is obviously a different site to that shown in Phil's 1960s picture

Your map is the one piublished 1889. the survey for Birmingham was apaprently carried out for the map around 1896

Perhaps these premises in Hill Street were in fact the ones that Dennis's photo of the frontage was taken. The upward slope of the pavement suggests that, as I don't think the pavement in Hinckley Street or Station Street suggests a hill. Though by 1903 they had moved into Hinckley Street at least unless the two premises were operated in tandem the 1903 directory does record them at 103-104 Hill Street as well.. However sometime later they also moved into 51 Station Street and by at least 1913 they are recorded as operating from there. Oddly enough they are still recorded at 72 Hill Street in the 1913 directory, Mike was there a renumbering around then or had they moved yet again?
I feel pretty sure the 1890s picture is 103-4 Hill St . (in 1897). However between 1905 and 1908 their was a partial renumbering of that part of the street, and then Wheatleys was 98. However the whole street was then renumbered ( to odd numbers one side, even the other) , and then the building became 72. 72, 103-4 and 98 are all, as far as I can see, the same building
We could have been neighbours Lyn! They were all over that little Newtown Row, Brewery St, Blews St, Manchester St square..! So, as you can see, we were probably Villa supporters once....until they moved to Small Heath! KRO......!

Brittannia Brewery Brewery Street.jpgTW Census summary copy.jpgThomas Williams Census Summary 2 copy.jpg
A hardly now recognisable photo of Woodcock St, Gosta Green, with only the old swimming baths on the right giving it away to those not old enough to remember.


  • Gosta Green Woodcock St.jpg
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Thank you, I haven't seen that one before. All my LONGMOREs lived at various houses in Woodcock Street for most of the 19th century.
