Such a pity. A very fine building in its time and looked as though it could have been brought back to life with the right architects involved. Thanks mikejee and Janice for updating me. TinpotSee photo in post 1454 - now in a poor condition
Such a pity. A very fine building in its time and looked as though it could have been brought back to life with the right architects involved. Thanks mikejee and Janice for updating me. TinpotSee photo in post 1454 - now in a poor condition
Knew I could rely on you !!#1502
Rolls-Royces always cause problems, and those from the Royal Mews are even more of a problem because they don’t have number plates. The front car is a Phantom V or VI, and the old stager behind is a Phantom IV from 1954.
I hope I’m right!Knew I could rely on you !!
Would you Adam and Eve it !Interesting ticket booth for the tulip festival - programmes 1 shilling, back of the old lending library with the statue of Priestley (?) and the fountain. Variety of male fashions on show and note the man with his gloves polishing his car on the left . Seems we lost a lot in this area . also note the modern looking street lamp.
View attachment 156644
Finally one of the most interesting photos so far I feel, evocative of an age. So where do I start, location - well on the left Regent Place so I am thinking Caroline street (?) then working round, corner shop with its signs, children playing on the Midland Counties milk float, and child with trolley with dog in the road. Something & Lee on the factory at the end but notice all the chimney pots above the factory, telephone poles, gas lamp then all of humanity on the street, moms, dads, children, prams and grans!! Wonderful - never to be seen again .
View attachment 156646
pretty sure ive seen this one steve...have to say i dont think its caroline st in the jewellery quarter but stand to be correctedFinally one of the most interesting photos so far I feel, evocative of an age. So where do I start, location - well on the left Regent Place so I am thinking Caroline street (?) then working round, corner shop with its signs, children playing on the Midland Counties milk float, and child with trolley with dog in the road. Something & Lee on the factory at the end but notice all the chimney pots above the factory, telephone poles, gas lamp then all of humanity on the street, moms, dads, children, prams and grans!! Wonderful - never to be seen again .
View attachment 156646
If we come up with a different location I am happy to edit and acknowledgeDoesn't seem to be the Regent Place off Caroline St. Maps show a distinct bend to the right which the picture doesn't appear to have.
I have shots of the interior and the demolition I believeLovely view of the old library there, Steve.
Think the flag is that of Uganda(with a lot of help from wikipedia)I have been having a play with the coloured slides - my pictures are scans of photographs, I thought I would upload a few.
First is a topical one - Duke of Edinburgh with I presume the Queen passing the front of the Town Hall, I know I repeat this but I have no date with these images . I am sure someone will make an educated guess based on the surrounding building V Royal visits . Extra ten points for naming the striped flag?
View attachment 156639
The ten points is yoursThink the flag is that of Uganda(with a lot of help from wikipedia)
Just to clarify my location was taken from modern mapping, I could be wrong, can I also point out the factory at the end which looks like " & Lee" do we have location for this?Not sure when the photo showing Regent Place was taken, but the 1946 Kellys lists 5 Regent Places in birmingham & suburbs:
View attachment 156655
It is difficult sometimes to judge the width of streets and entrance on photos, but if the photo is Caroline st, then the opening a litrle further on must be Regent Passage, which does not look right to me. Below is a map showing the Clark st one, which is definitely not the photo
View attachment 156656
yes i agree mws if it is the regent place off caroline st they must have also rewidened it an awful lot.. here is a street view and steves photo to said i am sure i have this photo but cant recall the location yetDoesn't seem to be the Regent Place off Caroline St. Maps show a distinct bend to the right which the picture doesn't appear to have.
It is strange but I also wondered if it was the other end of Regent Place where it joins Vittoria Street.Looking at my AtoZ map I think the photo maybe is of Vittoria Street looking towards Graham Street.