Lancashire Lad
Brummie babby
Another photo of some of the staff & pupils of the school in 1962 at least that's the date given with the photo. A couple of things that I note from the photo are the ratio of of boys to girls is about 2-1, are boys more artistic than girls? Mind you it might not be the full photo. The other thing is I wonder what caught the eyes of the group of lads on the right? Any of our posters pupils there in 1962?
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Although I did not attend Moseley School of Art; my "uncle" Ernie Price taught there. He is centre front row in this picture (interestingly I think the teacher 5th from the right is Mr Shepherd who taught me English at Moseley Grammar School). I attach the letter I sent out trying to find people who knew him before his funeral. Not my real uncle; he was always Uncle Ernie being born next door to my father in Fir Avenue Balsall Heath and they remained firm friends throughout their lives.