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Mike G

This news has distressed me, i don't go on the forum everyday or look at all the threads when i do. I hope You get well soon mike, meet ups without you in your spaceman's outfit:p wouldn't be the same so make sure you are fit for the Christmas Bash. God Bless Mike . Max
I have only just seen this thread, I am so sad to hear of mike's illness and send all my hopes for a quick and happy recovery
paul stacey
Another one here who has been away for a while. Hope Mike continues to make good progress.........wishing you all the very best Mike. The community on here are fabulously supportive aren't they....bostin Brummies.:love:
Mik, have not met you but love your posts, keep fighting and hope you are soon posting again, best wishes to your family too, it's hard for them to see you poorly x
Slow and steady does it - little by little - keep improving day by day Mike - looking forward to having you back on here.
Just finished taliking to Maureen and there is not much more news than last time, still very poorly but still fighting strong.
More news, as and when.
Keep the faith, Brother.
still praying hard for you mike and mo stay strong i know what you are going through...


Just to let you know that in 2005 I survived a ruptured aorta aneurysm and I'm still here to tell the story; so keep your chin up and pray, miracles do happen, Graham.:thumbsup: