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Mike G

Hello Peeps, Hilary and myself went over this afternoon to see Mike and Maureen, although Mike has lost some weight he is nearly back to his old chirpy self.
Obviously he is still very poorly and his strength is not what it used to be but he has a very positive outlook and is looking forward to getting back on line and putting you all in your place.
I don't know about you but it has certainly made my day.:thumbsup:
Postie, that is great news and it has certainly made my day too!

Thank you for keeping us informed. I shall keep a lookout for Mikes little green light.:)
Oh that is just the best news...I am off for a large glass of wine! Well done Mike keep it up. xxxxxxx
Well done Mike. You are certainly making the progress that we all wished for you. Take it nice and steady and you'll soon be back to fitness.

Regards to you and your family.

Makes our day too, hearing such good news - thanks Postie. Steady and sure with the recovery, Mike. See you online again soon!
Thanks Jim, that's good news and I hope that Mike continues to improve.:thumbsup: Graham.
Thats great news. Keep up the fight Mike. We are all in your corner. And thanks Jim, for the up-dates.
I spoke to Mike earlier on tonight and he sounds just like his old self, its a big improvement on this time last week.
He thanks you all for your concern and is looking forward to getting back on the forum this week.
Can't wait to get my fingers rapped! Mike always does it so gentlemanly. Get back to the Forum soon, Mike. David
jim thats the best news ive had for a while:) thanks for the update and mike i shall be looking for yer little green light to go on. just take it easy
