Barry Worrall
proper brummie kid
Hello Margy,I was born in this home in 1950 and was adopted. I don't have any recollection of it but on finding my birth mother she said it was a terrible place and that they were made to do all the chores right up until the birth,and were not allowed any rest after the birth.
I was also born here in 1950 February and I was eventually adopted by a family that looked after me all my child ,teenage years.I only recently found out that I had been adopted and have since retiring followed up on my past.My original Mom was originally from Walsall and lived in Walsall at the time.She was unmarried.I cannot understand why she went to this particular place.Sadly I never met my original Mom and she has passed in 2006.I am tracing her family at the moment but have had no feedback so far I suppose this is a very sensitive subject.
Best regards
Barry Worrall