Jean's group photo
Great photo, Jean, and obviously a happy occasion. It is so clear that almost every face should in theory be identifiable. I never worked at Witton but some of them are recognisable even to me.
It was obviously taken in front of the main entrance of the main, original Witton office block. Di may be right and perhaps it is 1950s but I should go for early sixties, probably post-1962, as I suspect my father would otherwise have been on it. It looks to me like a retirement celebration, presumably of the gentleman in the middle of the front row, holding the hand of a young girl - a grand-daughter perhaps. And the gentleman looks as though he could have been one of the Works chauffeurs. This might account for the number of directors present on the photo, together with all the others who are probably mainly HQ staff. I can identify one director with certainty, the gentleman on the extreme right, second row from the back is Dr. W.H.G. Lake. Behind him, extreme right, back row is, I suspect, T.G. Austin, Personnel Director. Front row, second from right and looking to his right, could well be R. Crane, a later Asst. M.D. And T.H. Gallie, standing immediately behind the lady in front of whom the girl is standing.
Other identifications involve a bit more quesswork. I think that the gentleman second from the left, extreme back row and looking as though he had recently returned form a good holiday, might be B.W.E. Pearson, a senior personnel executive. Next to him, to the right and with face partly concealed, could be St. John Elstub, M.D. and later Chairman. The wearer of the buttonhole might be C. Fenby, but I'm not certain. Others I recognise but cannot name. There MUST be other forum members who can put names to some of these many faces.
What a cheerful group and a nice record, especially for the family of the star of the proceedings.
PS Where did it come from, Jean?