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Kynoch's I M I 1950s Onwards

  • Thread starter Thread starter shannon
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here is bridge over River

I.C.I. Metals Ltd.
(branch works)
265 Marsh Wm. Hickson
267 Jones Alfd. Bernard
269 Holland Douglas
271 Amos Montague
273 Humphreys Albt. Edwd
275 Payne Fras. V
281 Allen & Staeey,newsagts
here in Church rd

Could not belive my eyes when I saw this.271 Aldridge Rd. Montague Amos is my dad, I had forgotten all the neighbours names, but this bought it all back to me.I later bought 275 and my sister bought 273.When my father was promoted to second chief fire officer at I.C.I.We had to move to the Kynoch lodge in Wellhead lane for a few years, until his retirement. Then we went back to 271.We have posted photos of these houses recently on this site. I do know what that building was used for but it escapes me at the moment.:rolleyes: My dad had to take fire inspections there.
I remember the name of that building now. It was called THE ARTISTIC cannot remeber what they did, even though my Dad took me with him some times when he was doing hi s fire checks.??? ??? ???
It was called THE ARTISTIC

Any remaining memories of it, izabellann? Was it offices, or factory, or store? From its title which you recall, I am wondering if it could have housed designers, perhaps for Lightning Fasteners. But, then, why not on the main site?

(By the way, you metioned your dad's retirement - this would be more to do with another recent Kynoch thread, but do you have still a picture of his presentation ceremony?)

Have been trying to delve in to the depths of my brain. I am fairly certain it was a factory,also it may have been for the design and printing of the zip fastener packaging.
Unfortunatly I have no photos of my fathers retirement.There is a photo of him with a fire engine taken on the annual sports day, on the kynoch site.
Y3es, I can remember the 'Artistic' builing down by the river, but I wonder if the name wasn't added (or replaced) after the war, as I have a feeling the name was not on display when I was a choirboy round the corner. It's fascinating how different people can pool their memories together and we can write history!

What a thread Kynochs ICI IMI its now quite site.
5 years around this plant all I can rememeber is
Holford House. It was at the end of Holford Drive but
it was Offices in the 60's. Thats a long time ago.
I went there for a short course in the afternoons
just as I was completing my Apprenticeship.
Run by the Personnel Department covered all
the run up to 21. Like leaving the womb again.
What the building was used for Historically
I cannot remember it was just Offices and Rooms.
The main area of Engineering of the Zip Fastners
was within the Zip Works. Although the secrecy of this
site the area was ideal for advanced design.
Unfortunately the Engineers I knew most are dead now.
I was only 21 when I left.
Lets hope somebody out there has a answer.

Mike Jenks
Thanks, Mike. Holford House as you possibly remember it is below. I believe it was originally the Works Manager’s residence, but which one and when I am not sure. Later, and certainly at least between the 1950s and the 1980s, it was the home of the Company’s Education and Training Department. Whilst it was tucked away in the corner of the site it perhaps wasn’t quite so rurally located as the photograph suggests! (This is probably an even more interesting building than the one mainly dealt with in this thread and so if anyone has further information…..)

Peter - you could be right about the timing of the logo's appearance. I remember it clearly from the top of a bus, but from what date? Oh dear!


I phoned my brother in Portsmouth last night. ( He is older than me ) He remembers the Artistic. He says, before the war it was a subsidery of Kynoch Press, they did bookbinding there. During the war it was ammunition. He said there was a boiler house below, and the people in our six houses used it for an air raid shelter, but it was often flooded so we had to wear wellies...
After the war, all he can remembers is that it was engineering.???
Thanks very much to you and your brother, izabellanne. This looks a good indication of what was being done there at various times.

Still don’t understand why a little offshoot like that existed off the main site. Of course in addition to Witton and other major facilities elsewhere, the Company was responsible for a number of factories for the duration of WW2; but this one seems to have been a relatively minor, pre-war add-on and one wonders if there were others, dotted about.

(What happened to Ellison’s opposite, izabellanne? Is it still there?)

Aldridge Road

Sorry so long in answering. I have been away for a week. I have been told that there is now a Wick's on the site that used to be Ellisons.When we lived in Aldridge Road it was Ellisons. :rolleyes: The factory was set back from the road and there was a big sweeping well kept lawn to the front.at the back there was the tips, which looked like lovely hills on the distant horizon. I so regret not having a photo of the view....:)
Thanks again, izabellanne. Yet more change. I remember it too as rather a smart looking factory, red brick, and as you say set well back from the road. G.H. Ellison, wasn't it? I have the vague idea they made switchgear there but I may be entirely wrong.

Edit. Unfortunately the image referred to has been lost.


I've just found this photo of my granddad - Edward Charles Whitehouse - second from right. He was about due to retire but unfortunately died before he could enjoy it. Anyone recognise anyone?
I've just found this photo of my granddad - Edward Charles Whitehouse......... Anyone recognise anyone?

I'm sure someone will recognise these gentlemen. Could you give us a rough idea of the year, please, patfereday?

Hi all

Isn't it amazing what you find in your house when you hunt around :) I was actually looking for my husband's military family photos and came across some of my own!

I wasn't sure where to put the pics and thought I should put them in the same post as my last ones? (If I'm wrong, I hope someone will be kind enough to point me in the right direction to pop them in :)).

Grandad in his uniform - Aldridge Road

Grandad & Fire Engine - Kynochs Fire Service

I was so pleased when I found them and hope you enjoy seeing them too.
Wonderful photo's Tanya, thank you for posting them. Have you any more details about the photo's
Thank you Chris and Moma P :)

I asked my mom earlier if she knew when the photo's were taken and she seems to think they could be around 1957-60. She's not too sure though so I will ask my aunt over the weekend if she has a better idea and to see if she has any more info on the photo's too.

A few years ago I tried to find out if there were any records or paperwork for Kynochs as I wanted to find out more about Grandad's time there but I was told that it was all destroyed. Not sure if it's true though - such a shame if it is. I'll let you know if I can find anymore info to go with the pics :)
My grandfather William Diaper of Bevington Road drove a shunting-engine at the Kynoch Works. He came from rural Worcestershire and I think Kynoch's was the only place he ever worked. I can remember he was injured one day, not seriously, but insisted on walking home. His pride was hurt more than his body as he was ordered to have a couple of days off to recover.

Years afterwards, my dad (furnace installer to the gentry) installed an induction furnace in the titanium plant when it started up. He lived very locally and ended up on almost 24-hour call by IMI whenever there were problems. When I worked in the foundry-supply industry one of my customers was IMI Titanium, and I can still recall my first visit, when I discovered just how huge the old Kynoch site actually was. I think the whole titanium operation was exported in its entirety to India.

Big Gee
Big Gee my aunt worked at Kynochs for many years she was born in Bevington Road where my grandparents lived at the time.
The Titanium plant was sold off to a firm called Timet. Its still there and still producing.
Wow - you're right! I just checked their website! Well, you live and learn. But I do have a memory of something being transported in its entirety from IMI to India - but obviously it wasn't their titanium plant!!

Thanks for the correction.

Big Gee
Moma P,

My grandparents lived at No 22 (where my mother, her 3 brothers and sister were all born) about half-way between Witton Road and Trinity Road. Next door to Mrs Beebee's little general store. Anywhere near where your grandparents lived?

This is getting good....

Big Gee
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Mine were a bit futher away no 191 the family name was Jennings, my Dad was born there also in 1911. The house is still there, I never went inside because my grandparents died before I was born. I would like to find out more about my aunts time at Kynoch's she was there through the war and gained a good position I believe.
But I do have a memory of something being transported in its entirety from IMI to India

I wonder if this had anything to do with the 1991 closure of the brass and copper Rolled Metals activity and the disposal of the equipment.


I think you could well be correct. I knew Alan Bratt in that department, in the days when they used large quantities of a special felt made by my company, for cleaning the strip.


Big Gee
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Just spoken to my son who was at I.M.I. Titanium. It was all rolling mills for brass and copper that went to India in ( he thinks ) 1991.
Kynock group photo

:DanceBallerina2: Do you recognise anyone on this group photo. In white are the canteen staff at Witton. I remember Patty's dad used to be on the gates at Witton. TTFN. Jean.:DanceBallerina2:


  • Witton 1960s.jpg
    Witton 1960s.jpg
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Kynock group photo


What a great Photo. Its seems to be taken outside the Canteen
located in the Large Office at the Main Witton Gate.
WE use to go in there for Evening Teas prior to going on
to Night School.
These teas were free for Apprentices. 1959 to 1964.
I think the photo may be in that era.

Mike Jenks
A cracking photo Jean.:)

I think it might be early 50's Mike.

I recognise the man with the moustache and flower in his button hole, he was a director, I worked for a time in Staff Records and his secretary was in the next office to ours. Just can't think of his name, but he gave me a lift to Great Barr after a Christmas party one year.