Yes Pedrico, i saw the stopper company, but if you look to the top of the 1890 map that is superimposed, it shows where the "patent stopper works" was, further up. The name "Graham house" sounded , to me, more like a private residence, and i had thought it might be the set-back building with trees in front shown on the c 1889 map in post 329. that is only a supposition though. Unfortunately the house is not numbered (a not uncommon occurrence around then when a building had a name). going along from thepost office (half visible at the very bottom of the map in post 329, it would seem likely that the number of the building would be 102. This could make Graham House the building, though the next number listed to the north is 66, so it could be a range of numbers.
In the 1888 Kellys directory nos 102-103 are listed as Thomas Proud , gas engineer. . In 1871 he had been at 3 Unett St, and from the advert below (birm. Post 13.7.1872) was something to do with the Willenhall gas Co. As his daughter is recoded as being born at the site, it lookd like he lived there also.
I think this is the most likely candidate for the building, though i would like a little more evidence to confirm it. Incidently the building does have a certain similarity to the retort house in gas st, where the first Birminghsm gas works were (see,172.54,,0,0 )
In the 1888 Kellys directory nos 102-103 are listed as Thomas Proud , gas engineer. . In 1871 he had been at 3 Unett St, and from the advert below (birm. Post 13.7.1872) was something to do with the Willenhall gas Co. As his daughter is recoded as being born at the site, it lookd like he lived there also.
I think this is the most likely candidate for the building, though i would like a little more evidence to confirm it. Incidently the building does have a certain similarity to the retort house in gas st, where the first Birminghsm gas works were (see,172.54,,0,0 )