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Icknield Street


Not quite 1952 and the brassworks company next to the laundry is a café by the time this photo was taken in the 60's, but I don't think there are many changes to the actual buildings at that time.

Hockley Icknield Street 1968.jpg
Lyn, What a smashing pic of Wimbush's. I remember going to school down Camden St and having Wimbush's Apple Charlottes. However on the caption is says the address is Aston, well it was never Aston this end of Icknield St. I wonder where thay idea came from?

Never mind the apple charlottes, what about Wimbush's individual trifles?
Whom told you it was Aston, must been on there tablets on another tree , that is Ickneild street take it from a local native grew up therejust up from springhill in kinedwards road by the old dance hall the palli i went to ickneild street school as well and had a punch up out side that cafe one night my friend and myself over my best mates girl friend there was a mob of them the cafe was called the volcano
A right old dump of a place the gather shot up with one of the local member of the local yobs they thought they was gangsters
Little toss pots and our old friend mossy will also agree ,its the volano when it opened it up could name names here but i will not as it would not be correct of me to do so yes the laudry was there the mint pub on the corner of hingestion street and the public toilets across the road from carver street and warstone lane just around the corner of the cafe a couple of doors there was an old garage belong to the end of the cafe and kathy kirby or ann kirby opened it up as a rag yard was not there that long they moved up to there brothers yard the kirby brothers yard a big yard an ex builders yard from wakelins the one time builers of ladywood and thats where they stayed and operated from albert timmy and stan and the girls all stayed and ran that yard and we lived across the road facing there yard and my mother used to make them tea and run acros with pots of tea they was a great bunch of lads and even the family was a great family decent people but there was one brother whom lived in kinedwards road at that time and he was in kingedwards road before the brothers moved there but they had a grudge agaist him for reasons i will not publicise i think it was stan the boxer out of them years ago
so yes that is ickneild street hockley best wishes Alan,,,
yes mike it looks better and yes thats new spring street and an old friend frank bartlam of mine we both in the same clas at Ickneild street
I have not been getting alerts from BHF for some time, so I have missed these latest pics of Icknield St. Gosh how they bring back memories for me. This was my walk to school every day, to Camden junior school and Secondary school. Thank you.
I've zoomed in and split Banjo's original pic.
New Spring st, the line drawn is in front of my old house.
I think Allans shop later became Gay's Toyshop.
Great pic looking down Icknield st.
Many memories.Icknieldst25a.jpg Icknieldst25b.jpg NewSpring1.jpg
A look at the former Birmingham Mint from the other side of Icknield Street.

No. 1 The Mint is now near Warstone Lane Cemetery.

These buildings are for sale (I think).

Redevelopment / refurbishment at this site.

There is also a modern block to the left of that.

In 1953, I lived over the launderette right opposite to those toilets. It's great to see there's now been a use for them rather than being demolished.
hi all..well i travelled back in time earlier to when me and out kid used to play in old buildings....i must admit this is the most dangerous thing i have ever done to obtain pics...the buildings are most dangerous...floor boards upstairs and in the attic are mostly gone.... wires hanging everywhere.. etc...to obtain entry we went round the back where some of the fencing was down...can you please bare in mind that if some of the pics are not to good its because all the rooms at the front where in complete darkness as they are all boarded up so i was just aiming my camera and hoping for the best.. i had it set on night mode and flash...

having said all that its the most exciting thing i have done in a long time and well worth it to capture what will surely be a thing of the past when the bulldozers move in...

the first pics are of the front of the buildings...then the back and finally the inside..

(All the following are replacement inages, which i believe are same as originals)
View attachment 119013
Did you know that this was a pub?
do you mean the rimini cafe kieron??if so then no i didnt know it used to be a pub...cant say as any of our members know this either least i cant recall anyone mentioning it..what was it called and when did it cease trading...very interesting...trust me to go in a pub after it had closed lol

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do you mean the rimini cafe kieron??if so then no i didnt know it used to be a pub...cant say as any of our members know this either least i cant recall anyone mentioning it..what was it called and when did it cease trading...very interesting...trust me to go in a pub after it had closed lol

Hi Lyn, trust me, I am still plodding on with the Villa Tavern and a former publican has led me to Icknield Street. Not this pub mind you. The cafe was once the Ivy Tavern, one of the street's lesser-known boozers. Many years later when it was a lingerie and corset shop, it still had Ivy House on a sign between the first and second-floor windows.
gosh the villa tavern has a lot to answer for kieron and i will go to the foot of our stairs about the rimini cafe being a pub...do you have a photo of the ivy tavern or do i need to make it yet another mission??
gosh the villa tavern has a lot to answer for kieron and i will go to the foot of our stairs about the rimini cafe being a pub...do you have a photo of the ivy tavern or do i need to make it yet another mission??
No, not as a pub. Most of my pics seem to be the same as stuff on this thread, though I do have plates of some which afford good detail as you know. So, yes, you now have to go on another mission!!
Hi Gingerjohn did they take away the horse trough that as its historic as those houses was i remember them as a kid
I Lived in kingedwards road just up from springhill and the dance all the dance palli
I was wondering why they are gonna build a high expence hotel but bearing mind the high street they are kinging those jewelers and puttin big shop front along there but in the pipe line i know cos the jewerelers are up arms over it was annonce so long back what they are trying to make a hatton garden complex the diamond of birmingham
keiron where was the warstone inn pub ickneild st...just been going through some new photos i have been given and one of them is a nice one 1925 taken of a coach party outside the pub..if its of any use to you in the future let me know

keiron where was the warstone inn pub ickneild st...just been going through some new photos i have been given and one of them is a nice one 1925 taken of a coach party outside the pub..if its of any use to you in the future let me know

That should have the pub in Atkinson's livery as it was theirs. Always interested in a nice pub pic!!
it was indeed atkinsons kieron...here is the photo

View attachment 130533
This totally floats my boat - thank Lyn. It is nice to have photographs of the buildings but I particularly like images such as this where there is a story in many aspects of the photograph, the smiles, the clothes, the not-so well dressed still trying to get into the image behind the bus, the urchin determined to get in the shot, the type of transport, uniform of the staff ... it's great. I am bouncing it back to you with a little bit of tidying so you can save it. Thanks again for posting this.
Cheers, KieronCoach Party Day Trippers [c.1925].jpg