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Graham Webb


I've had to do that many times over. The speed of wear all depends on the quality of the components used; best thing for your friend to do is get it done at a bike shop as it often requires special tools.

Sorry to all friends and members that I've not been on the forum a lot these past few weeks but my wife has been very ill in hospital and she was only discharged last Thursday evening, then I had to fly to Manchester for British Cycling's Gala Dinner on Saturday. My wife is a lot better now and I left her in the capable hands of my daughters who willingly came round to stay with her for the weekend so that I could fly to Manchester. Sunday, on the return journey, I got stuck at Manchester airport for 6 hours due to the snow but arrived safely in Brussels at 3 pm.

I had a great evening at the Gala Dinner in the Manchester Convention Centre where as one of the '50' I was inducted into British Cycling's first 'Hall of Fame'. My old track racing bike, the one I used to break the hour record on at Salford Park in 1966, was on display in the foyer and that was a great honour for me and Birmingham. Here is some footage and photos of the evening on BC's web site; https://new.britishcycling.org.uk/s...0th-Anniversary-Gala-Dinner---Annual-Awards-0 In the first photo I'm being congratulated by British Cycling's President, Brian Cookson and in the second photo I'm in the front row on the right with the black shirt and white dickey bow.


Congratulations Graham, and I hope your wife recovers quickly.
By the by, in the second picture of you all , who is the chap in the second row in the middle apparently with the horns ? Could it be the person responsible for denying your achievements all these years?
Graham I am so pleased on both counts. That your wife is getting better and at last you have received the recognition you deserve. You look so smart on the photo's as well. By the way who owns your old track bike now?

Best wishes Wendy.
Thanks folks! Actually Mike you are not far wrong, if you move those horns one place to the left...

Thanks Wendy, the track bike has always been mine. I gave it to Dave Marsh of Maltby to restore it to its original condition and he's made a great job of it. Thanks to Dave my bike is now leading its own life and doing more travelling than I am! One day I hope to find it a good home, maybe in the national cycle museum or even better in a Birmingham History museum.

Fred, a fantastic evening, pity you weren't there I think that you’d have been proud of your old cousin.
Hi Graham,

Good to see some recognition at last.....about time too!!!!....hope your wife is well on the mend now..........you both take care...

Best Wishes..........................Mike
I'am so chuffed for you Graham. Knighthood next I reckon. Good to hear your wife is making a good recovery mate.
I have to admit Graham that I felt teary eyed when I looked at the photos of the Gala evening. You looked amazing and I'm so glad that you have recognition for your special efforts all those years ago. Congratulations and best wishes to your wife.
well graham..i will go to the foot of our stairs...at long last some recognition of all your acheivments in the face of adversity.....well done you and please give your wife my best wishes for a speedy recovery...

take care

Well done Graham - at long last you have been recognised for your achievements. My best wishes to your wife. Mabz
Another photo of me and my 1966 Salford Park one hour record track bike by Tommy Godwin, with original orange plastic saddle. This photo was taken at British Cycling's Gala Dinner by Ronny Couliez and was part of the evenings history display. The black & white photo was taken during my record ride on this bike at Salford Park on 11th July 1966.



Hi Graham as I already told you haven't I been on the BHF for a few days and am only just catching up on some posts...
I think you know my feeling about your achievements....

I do hope your wife is getting and feeling much better too. :)
Hi Graham I have not been on forum for a while just catching up and nice to see some of your pictures and acknowledgements are still going strong Well done and keep it up you deserve it all
Thanks again Pom & Tom,

I know that you're all great fans but I didn't expect a reply, just posted my latest news and photos to keep everyone up-to-date.

My wife, Marie-Rose, had a thousand tests but wasn't diagnosed in the General hospital Ghent, so they discharged her without really being able to help her. Now I've taken her case up with the doctors and I'm going to have her admitted to the University Hospital in Ghent on Monday, if they can't help her then nobody can.

Lovely photos Graham. The bike looks great. Thanks for posting. I really hope that theUniversity Hospital can give Marie Rose
a proper diagnosis. Best wishes.
Graham, I am a bit late finding this very interesting thread, but would like to say, thanks for posting the pictures and the bike looks great. I hope that everything turns out well for your wife. My good wishes to both of you.

Thank you all for your well wishes. I took my wife into the emergency room at the University Hospital in Ghent on the Monday and she was discharged on the Thursday without a diagnosis being made! Seems to be one of those mystery things probably caused by a virus that they can't put their finger on, yet, and they say it might be a long time before the pain goes away. She has appointments with two more specialists.

Graham, you deserve a knighthood in recognition of the standards you set in the name of British Cycling. It so nice to look at, and listen to, someone with your acheivements who speaks and behaves in a normal well mannered way.
I've been telling people this for years.
Its been very lonely on my own, now the pace is getting faster.
All the best, Champ.
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Thanks again Jim and Trev, you're such great fans!

BTW my 1966 1 hour record was done at that time on an ordinary track bike, cost £30, on a very bumpy and wind swept Salford Park track, the international UCI rules wouldn't allow any other type of bike. But through the years the rules got bent until bikes, positions, wooden tracks and the price of those bikes (millions of pounds for just one bike!) got out of hand. The hour record went up dramatically but the famous Belgian hour record holder, Eddy Merckx (Eddy was made a Baron by the Belgian King for his cycling), put in a complaint about those bikes and positions that were being used. Eddy's complaint was upheld and in 2000 Chris Boardman MBE had to re-ride his hour record on an ordinary track bike as stipulated in the UCI rules. The difference to my record was that this world record ride of Boardman's in 2000 was done on an indoor wooden track. So by my reckoning my SalfordPark record on an ordinary track bike stood for 34 years!

Here is another photo from last month's 'Hall of Fame' in Manchester of Chris Boardman MBE and me.
Here is my whole 'Hall of Fame' award; I couldn't get it all under my scanner in post # 223. To me it's worth more than all the stars on Broad Street!


A long and true awaited result for our champion and having your bike in the hall of fame celebration that has to be the cream on the top. CONGRATULATIONS