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Graham Webb

Congratulations Graham well deserved. Sorry you won't be there but as Lyn says there will be photo's! I hope your wife feels better soon..x
Well done, your name will now live on for ever and in the sports world you so enjoyed and still enjoy, well done.
View attachment 70451The man himself at Salford Park,BRUM! Raced a few times myself there,BUT NEVER with the results that Graham did. Well done mate! I am Emailing the Queen about a knighthood for SIR Graham, John Crump OldBrit in Parker. Co USA
Phil Upton is the one to contact as he has already expressed his feelings to Graham about his achievements and is a mad keen cyclist himself. Maybe if we all joined him on his face book page and expressed our feelings he would put Grahams name forward for The Walk of Stars. I for one have already done so. Jean.
Once again thanks to all members for your warm response.

Here are a few photos from the British Cycling web site of the new Hall of Fame at the National Cycling Centre, Manchester, with in the foreground the latest inductee, Reg Harris. My name and photo is also on one of those plaques, when I have a photo I'll post, Graham.


Above: Reg Harris joins the 50 names inducted into British Cycling's Hall of Fame, which has now been made tangible on the concourse of the National Cycling Centre in Manchester.


Above: King's speech - British Cycling Executive Director Peter King CBE addresses the assembled guests at the unveiling ceremony.
Hello Graham does this photograph mean any think to you

Yes John that's a photo of a very young looking William (Bill) McCormack presenting some trophy to a young rider; early 60,s? Bill was chairman of the British Cycling Federation racing committee, one of the first BCF committee members, I think a founding member, and was a good friend of mine, Graham.
1950 Looks like Bob Maitland on the outside left of the photo. John Pottier and Les Willmot of my club Midland C&AC raced that year. I was still a junior. I raced it the next year 1951 18yrs of age. Goit anymore photos of the 1950s racing?View attachment 70740
The young man is John Owen of the Kyochs cycling club
Did you race in the Isles of Man

Thanks again John though the name doesn't ring any bells I'll have to take a look at some of my old result sheets.

I've been to the IOM twice on school trips, 1955 & 56, but only raced there once and that was in 1968 as a professional with the French Mercier team, Graham.
Some very nice photos! Fancy a real treat from my collection? Rare IOM photo in colour with Tom Simpson in the centre; mid 60s.

Graham I am doing a new page for my web site and the topic is Kynoch Cycling Club that's how I came to get these photographs I have a photograph of a time keepers wife a Mrs Al Harper handing out a trophy at Holford drive social club does this name come to mind
John H
About time. Great news Graham. Makes an OLD Brummie proud. By the way did you know that one of the FIRST Brits to ride in the Tour de France in 1937, Charles Holland, was ALSO a BRUMMIE, Well CLOSE he was born in Aldridge, Staffs. But he did belong to a local club, the one I also belong to Midland C&ACView attachment 70747 There is also a book about his life cycling 'Dancing Uphill' MandM publishing, HOW ABOUT YOU WRITING A BOOK NOW! Graham.
Graham I am doing a new page for my web site and the topic is Kynoch Cycling Club that's how I came to get these photographs I have a photograph of a time keepers wife a Mrs Al Harper handing out a trophy at Holford drive social club does this name come to mind
John H

John, once again I must say I'm sorry but that is another name that doesn't ring any bells but then I never was good in remembering names or faces, there were too many I guess.

A few years ago I did a write up on my 1963 win in in their mountain TT for the excelent Beacon RCC web site. On this web site you can find start and result sheets going back many years and there are a lot of Kynoch CC names to be found here, some timekeepers too https://www.beaconrcc.org.uk/open_races/lmtt/archive/index.html This is the archives page, click on a year, hope this helps you.

Pom thanks again for your kind words and Oldbrit I constantly get asked the same question about 'a book' and although I have written my past down on paper for my kids I don't yet feel the urge to publish; maybe one day, Graham.
Graham. In 1956 After I got out of the RAF and headed in another direction.( Birds and Booze!) My old team mate John Chance (Three FAST Johnnies 1950-1951) won the race and my club Midland C&AC the team prize. I often wonder what IF! But no complaints. John Crump Parker. Co USA PS Did you ever do any grass track racing at Cadburys in Bournville?
My cycle builder the now 90 year old Tommy Godwin from Silver Street, Kings Heath, Birmingham, has this week been given an Honorary Degree from Loughborough University. Though not strictly a born and bread Brummie, born in Connecticut USA, Tommy is still very proud of our city. He now lives in retirement just outside Brum and his daughter Kay posted me some photos. Tommy is on the right.

Graham. In 1956 After I got out of the RAF and headed in another direction.( Birds and Booze!) My old team mate John Chance (Three FAST Johnnies 1950-1951) won the race and my club Midland C&AC the team prize. I often wonder what IF! But no complaints. John Crump Parker. Co USA PS Did you ever do any grass track racing at Cadburys in Bournville?

Sorry John but I never fancied grass track racing, hard track at Salford Park and road racing was hard enough let alone ploughing through some field!
Ineresting that he was born in Conn. USA, In the late 1890s early 1900s my Grandfather with his brothers left Brum to settle in Wallingford Conn USA.Grandad didnt like it over in the USA and came back to Smethwick to work at the carriage works. Did I also read that Tommy Godwin is to be at the Olympics next year? Have to go ride now, going bonkers in the house on the PC, Regards John Crump
I've put this link under my name because as many of you will know Tommy Godwin of 10 Silver Street, Kings Heath, was, in the 60,s, my cycle builder & supplier. His daughter, Kay, posted me this link today. Here you can see and hear this Brummie legend & ex BSA worker who will be carrying the 2012 Olympic torch later this year.


Notice the Guardian headlines
"In the third of our series celebrating aspects of London life as told by some of the city's extraordinary characters" Though Tommy's not a 'true' Brummie surely we can't let London claim him as their own!


My 1966 Tommy Godwin, Salford Park, record breaking track bike.
what a special occassion this will be for tommy graham...what a trouper he is...

Tommy was on the Midland news the other night in Victoria Sq. with the torch, maybe a practice run.
Tommy the GOOD or GOD? win. What an inspiration for all of us OLD GEEZERS Huh! Graham. Maybe you could be the next to carry the torch? John Crump another OldBrit in Parker, Co USA
Will you be there to see him at the Olympic games.

Fred, I think Tommy will be doing the honours at the track events, I've been invited to the road race events on The Mall, but we're hoping to see each other in London.