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Gosta Green Through Duddeston

absolutely right Pete! Bending the nail over was an art (especially with a brick as a hammer) lost count of the number of patches on my trousers after the falls.Lol:D:D
Windsor street

Just come across mention of Mrs Worralls shop in Windsor street. we lived opposite this and had a load of stuff on Tick from the old dear "till the weekend" i think we would have starved if she had sain no.:D
I think the waste ground next door was a bomb peck although i am not so sure.
mrs Keen gave commemorative boxes of sweets away to the kids on coronation day. probably worth a few bob now if you still had them in good nick.
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Adderley Road Shops.

Can someone be so kind as to add a Kelly's list to these shops along Adderley Road. I imagine these were just around the corner from Ash Road.
Saltley Adderley Rd.jpg
I think it may be a tall order on my part. It is possible to see the names and also the type of business they ran.
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hello.ernie,I can see pic now.
we went shopping along lister st.the only shop i remember is fishing tackel shop.

That's a nice pic of adderley rd shops.i remember them,they were
by the no 8 bus stop.:D
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Peter. I could most certainly be wrong but I cannot remember a fishing tackle shop along Great Lister Street. Do you remember the big fishing tackle shop by the Gate in Saltley High Street ?
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re gost green

ernie.sure do spent a lot of wonger there.the name is on the tip of my tongue.the one in lester st was were we got maggots from.if i remember it was on the right coming from town,sure it was a fishing tackel shop,could have sold other things,as well. Do you remember the name of the one at the gate~?
they had another shop in ward end by the pub pete
Peter. Sorry to say I cannot remember the shop by the Gate at Saltley, but someone may be good enough to post the shop name if they read this.
The only other way would be for me to look in the Trade Directories next time I go to Birmingham Central Library. The only shop in Great Lister Street that may have sold Fishing Tackle could have been James shop but that was on the left coming from town ( Just passed Rupert Street) and they sold Bicyles but then so did the shop in Saltley High Street.
You could even buy dart boards and sets of darts even just the flights if you wanted them.
re gosta green

ernie.i am sure the shop in lester st was by st mathews church,the woman was my moms friend,but that was a very long time ago.the shop at the gate sold almost anything.i hope some one can come up with the name.
i looked on the web,but nothing. pete
Peter. I certainly remember the shop at the gate, it was at least three shops in one it was so big. If only we could walk along Great Lister Street again there is so much that was missed or forgotten. When I get time I will study those photographs that have been posted together with the Trade List of the shops and write down what I remember of them. Past Saint Matthews Church
I can only remember the shop that sold oil on the corner and was it Hammer's?
and further along Atkins the sweet shop Dear Gran used to take me there.
The other side of the road I remember much better probably mainly through the Photographs that I have seen.
great lister street

....If only we could walk along Great Lister Street again Past... Saint Matthews Church
I can only remember the shop that sold oil on the corner and was it Hammer's?
and further along Atkins the sweet shop Dear Gran used to take me there.
The other side of the road I remember much better probably mainly through the Photographs that I have seen.
:):) hi ger22van this is the ones that do it for me wimbushes on the corner,of cromwell st next to the phonebox is a telegraph pole you can see my house, happy days regards dereklcg.

Nechells Cromwell St 1954.jpg
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Yes, I remember the tackle shop at the Gate. It was on the right coming from town just before you got to the junction. Chaplins rings a bell. If I remember rightly there was a vet's just about there too.
deriklcg.The wimbushes photograph was just a photo scan but whether someone has improved the quality I don't know but when I did a print from the webring it has come up as a real photograph.
Thank you for your posts, I am sure that Peter will find them interesting as well as myself.
Rupert.Last but not least, thank you for the name of the shop at Saltley Gate and your memories of it.

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hi,all.and thanks for replys,chaplins thats it,well done.great pics,and input.
WINSTON,correct two big window,and entrance was in middle.
RUPERT,there was a vet next door,in the window was wierd things that dogs eat and past.:-ie mouse skeletons.junk.
thanks for your help on the subject all. pete
GER22VAN,just looked at pics,they are great,looked at kellys,the shop were mom went must have got them thingies in just for her.
the gate shop fancy me not remember in a name like charlies.:D:D pete
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re gost green

hello,ernie,i was too young to remember lister st shops,only sweet shops:Don the junc op rupert st what was there can you tell me?
op fletchers.was a radiator repairers and a cop called midland fan if i remember right and a removal comp. does the name soldiers ring any bells? pete
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Peter. Bora da I guess is Welsh for " Good Morning ".
So sorry Peter I shall have to look the others up. I do remember " The Soldiers " its in the distances on the Wimbush photograph. This is a posting about the " Soldiers this thread
They sold fruit and veg and a shop next to that ( still owned by Poulton's ) which sold wet fish, The removal company was White's which I shall have to post pics of sometime if I have not already done it. The shops at the Rupert Street junction did you mean by the bus stop coming from town ?
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re gosta green

GER22VAN.YES sorry force of habit.looking down rupert st from lister st.what was on left and right,soldiers green grocer.thats it .there are pics some were on the site about whites removals. pete
An Advert of the Delta Metal Company in Dartmouth Street.
Anyone remember Holbrook's in Ashted Row ?
I did not realise that they did Worcestershire Sauce.
Advert Holbrooks Sauce 1.jpg
Whites Removals in Great Lister Street
Nechells Whites Removals Great Lister St (4).jpg
Much nearer town
Nechells Bloomsbury St - Great Lister St c1950.jpg
Anyone remember the Bank which stood at the corner of Great Lister Street and Bloomsbury Street ?
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re gosta green

GER22VAN.we played in them flats,when we was kids spending hours just going up and down in the lifts.trying to keep out the caretakers way.
nice pics ernie ta, pete
Peter. Do you know I have never been in those flats, I guess it was because that block was the first to be built and the framework was just starting to go up in my second year at Loxton Street school.
re gosta green

GER22VAN.ernie.i can remember cromwell st now,my mate lived there.
was there a pub the oliver cromwell?.also were was the health center.
i can remember going to get the national tinned milk.cod liver oil,and orange juice there.plus milk tokens.And we whatched the 3wheelers running
around before going home.a tubo 3 sports car pete dt:D
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wimbush picture

deriklcg.The wimbushes photograph was just a photo scan but whether someone has improved the quality I don't know but when I did a print from the webring it has come up as a real photograph.
hi ger22van.:) hope you,re well? i too have printed and as you can imagine,i have framed it it sits proudly on my shelf above my computer,
it has printed like a photograph.
i,ve even sent a copy to my mate in Huntsville in Texas as well as my sister in notts and my bro in Tamworth.
happy days regards Derek.
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Loxton St School

Ernie & Pete

I don't know if you two lads have ever seen this one of inside Loxton St School, it is dated 1935 so it may be a little before your time, but the school will still be the same.



  • Nechells Loxton St  School 1935.jpg
    Nechells Loxton St School 1935.jpg
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Loxton Street School. Seniors.

pmc1947. I do have the Photograph and yes it was before my time,
Thank You for posting it, lovely to see the school hall, if it had been the other way around " so to speak " then I knew that end better.
Although both ends were identical there were class doorways between the large windows looking at it the other way on. The corner room on the balcony
would have been the Headmaster's study. The corridor at ground level below that would have led to the pottery class run by Mr Martin. The corridor in the other corner would have led to the exit passed the woodwork room.
Thank You once again Phil for stirring my memory.
Physical Training. PT.

Peter. I was that thin on those war time rations, never did me any harm though. I remember when we had what we called P T ( Physical Training )
the " Pumps " were stored in locked metal cages in the corner of the hall
that dark area to the left.
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loxton street flats

:):(hi peter good and bad the said flats opp loxton street!
i went to loxton street school (1953)from infants through juniors till i had to leave and go to charlie arthur street.
but back to the flats i used to knock about with a kid i just can,t think of his first name i know his surname was cook,he got killed outside the flats by hanging on the back of a dustcart, he fell off and it killed him run over him,seen no life gone.
as you can imagine we were even at that young age devastated,sad sad day. regards dereklcg.
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re gosta green

dereklcg.sorry about your mate.we all did daft things.we used to hang on wagens too.that mozac is smashing piece of work.when i left bloomsbury
school,it was elliot st they sent me. pete