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Fox and Grapes - Digbeth

thanks for posting that link ell i read the article in the mail the sat before last..it clearly states the importance of this pub and the surrounding area and fair play to carl but in reality i just cant see it being retained...HS2 will always will come first..anything in its path will be destroyed..

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Think it just got posted online today.

No problem.

Too much of the surrounding area is demolished and is now a car park. And sure that graffiti is on the car park side of it.

Recent photo on Flickr by Qwertyberty45 Fox and grapes, post- fire.
some time ago I was commissioned to illustrate a book about Georgian Birmingham, the Fox and Grapes,, which I have attached, was one of the 44 paintings I completed. ForFreeman St Fox and Grapes.jpg unknown reasons the book was never published. Eric
eric what a splendid painting as you know the fox and grapes is close to my heart in as far as trying to save it from demolision...but i am afraid that HS2 will win..i passed it on the bus yesterday and after the recent fire it is in an even worse state now....so sad but thanks for showing us your painting of it in its glory days

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Silvester Read certainly was the landlord in 1867, but I would have expected the Fox &Grapes name to be on the building , though presumably it might be on th esign opposite.
Guys what's the latest on this then , will it be saved

hi changinman if you have read all of this thread you will know my involvement in trying to save this pub not just because of its age but also for the archaeological content that still lies beneath it...after attending many HS2 meetings and after much pleading it soon became apparent that there was no way they were going to retain it and incorporate it in within the new train station... save for miracle or a turn about face it by the HS2 boys and the council it
will be demolished..it was inspected about 3 years back but it was all water logged and in very bad repair also there have been a couple of fires since then but as i understand it there will be one more dig by the archaeoligists before the building of the stations begins but of course that remains to be seen...sorry i have no better news it really saddens me but i tried

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i totally agree with you paul...when attending the HS2 meetings i suggested that maybe the pub could be incorporated into the new station..what better than to step off a train straight into a pub..all to no avail of course they need the ground for a platform....for this city to ignore a building that was around during the priestly riots of 1791 is tragic the pub was built prior to 1731...this is why i am totally convinced that if this meant nothing to the powers that be then what chance for other buildings....the city should hang its head in shame...i am still so very angry and disgusted but as those who do not care about preserving our history will say thats progress...my question is well what about our history and i am not at all ashamed to admit that when it is demolished i will shed a tear for a building that i feel so strongly about..a building that with a bit of thought birmingham could have been proud to have and show off to visitors and of course generations to come..

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Before the compulsory purchase order an Irish family ran it. One of the three son's took it on then moved to a country pub done ok I heard. a fellow called Gerry McCarty drank there from Northfield.
its in an even more sorry state now..these photos were taken and developed yesterday by a friend of mine...what i dont understand is why its not been totally demolished by now..there must be a reason...the powers that be are just flaunting the history we are about to lose:mad:


Scan 1 Fox and Grapes.jpg Fox and Grapes 2.jpg
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Hi Lnn and frothy you can rest assuered the HR 2 will go ahead with out any doubt just like british rail the goverment are slow
but money as been spent and at all cost we will eventually see it but either way the pub may be listed in its time but to my knowleddge the pub lost its way since the overall influct of the moderen scenes for the younger generation around the city i have spent my a nights in there with my friends doing the after sessions which is like most pubs whom do the stop overs they are limited to known customers and the ones whom spend and and during the day session the customers was slack no enought of people to cover the cost of over heads but the evenings after hours they done fair better but the pub was looseing money fist over fist and run down and crumbling as we say the Hr2 will be coming sooner or later restasured it will but as they know tke the roof off nothink to pay rated they done the same with premises down ontyburn road and holly lane yrars aago left it emty just like new cannal street demoed the dogs home eventualy they did they knocked down my grand parents corner coffee shop on the corner of bordesly street for years before the knocked down the rest of the other yards like the hide and skin and the dogs home they have a [plan at thats what they do
yes eric...the pub wont be there much longer....i was over that way the other weekend taking photos....

41509696_2127310993985626_5878341847624974336_n.jpg Park Street in town will be closed to traffic from 9PM tonight (11/09) until Friday 14th September, due to the demolition of the Fox & Grapes pub as part of HS2 works. Diversions for all traffic will be in place.
cant really say thanks for that info froth but it was always going to happen...bet they never saved those lovely wooden carvings around the front of the bar..so sad ..wonder if anyone has had the idea of saving the street name thats on the pub wall and put it into storage for a future use...worth hoping so..i cant go and watch this demo im gutted after all the hard work myself and mike hodder did to try and save this pub...:mad::(

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if you mean the swinging arm froth i think the last fire finished it off..there was not much left of it anyway...
Birmingham needs a pub museum. At least some of the history and artefacts would have a home. Viv.
sad to see horsencart but thank you for the update...was chatting to mike hodder the other day like me he is also dismayed at the outcome..i cant get my head around the position of the pub in the 1867 drawing you have posted....does not seem right to me although i know it is only a drawing

The drawing is one of four? that were drawn after the riots in Park St, the other drawings show Park St in a state of disarray, I would say that the drawings were done from or near to the modern day bridge (as a point of reference ) as the other drawing reflect the same view , I hope that this makes sense as I will be asking questions later