gone but not forgotten
My son and family live in the Yorkshire Pennines and have FTTC broadband with the copper telephone cable from the cabinet coming about a mile across the fields up hill and down dale and they get 23Mbps. They don't watch transmitted TV it all comes down the copper wire. The grandkids spend much time on 'facetime' etc with their friends.We live in a village in South Yorkshire, three houses from the end of the copper cable and 800 yards from the green BT box. We receive between 4 and 5 mbps. As I understand it, if we converted to fibre at considerable increased monthly cost our line would be converted to fibre into the green box. But from the green box to home would remain on the existing 50 year old copper cable. The improvement in speed would therefore only be minimal. There have been rumours for several years that BT Open reach are replacing the copper cables next year. so hopefully we will get fibre at no additional cost! In the meantime we can happily continue to cope with 4 to 5 mbps. AC
When I joined the BHF way back in 2007 I was still on 'dial-up' internet and it took 5 minutes to upload a photo.