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Brougham Street, Lozells

Dave,I forgot to say where the first pic was taken.It was in Bournmouth in 1969.Here is another one taken as we were going to the Bath blues festival.I forget the names of the girls but the tall chap behind one of them is my brother Terry,Brian is just behind Andy and you know which one is Glen and the one on the far right is my brother Peter.We lost our Terry in January 2004.
Thanks Bob. I guess as at least some of the guys are from Brougham Street it's still roughly on topic ! Lol
I remember that the Bath Blues Festival in those days was actually in Shepton Mallet not Bath and was not so very far from the present Glastonbury Festival site.
I know Shepton reasonably well and I don't recognise that road they are in. It looks a lot like the nearby village of Street to me. Would that be right?
Getting back on topic. I got my cousin to sign up to the site. Remember the pic of the "sassy young lass with the ice lol" lol. Well she's lurking and has threatened that she will post a Retaliatory pic of me !!! Heaven forbid !!! Hahahaha !
I also mentioned the site to Glenda Butler, remember her? Maybe she will join in with some memories as well !
In the coming days I'm sure I'll get an inspiration to post some more memories of the Street but for now I thought I'd mention a few names of kids from the local gang who I have fond memories of.

Already mentioned has been Freddy Round, Brian Bowler, Tim and Andy Beale.

And then there was Patrick and Anne Farell who lived next door to Fred. Two doors down again was the Jones Brothers, Terry, Graham and Frank.

At the top end of the Street, near Hurlstons shop was Alice Forun who I went to St Francis infants with. In fact, I had an email from Alice's younger brother Brian who I know lurks here. Come on Brian, jump in and post some memories. Brian tells me that Alice now lives on the Isle of Wight. I'm really looking forward to a possible email from her.

Further down the Street was Sindy Singh a little Sikh kid. Sindy was dead cool because he had real long hair tied up in a bobble well before any of us aspiring Hippies thought of it! Next door again from Sindy was a West Indian kid called Dolphus (I don't think I ever new his last name). As kids we were priveliged to go round to Dolphus' house for the Saturday night "Blues" a party where they played the latest Ska and Blue Beat records. I remember the "sound sytem" was awesomely loud!

Right opposite from Alexandra Terrace, where I lived was Marlborough Terrace. Glenda Butler lived at number one. I've had contact with Glenda for some time via Friends Reunited, she now lives in Shropshire. I told Glenda about this site, maybe she's lurking?

Around the corner in Wills Street was Derek Such. Derek's garden backed onto the old school annex in Brougham Street. Backing on to the annex as well, but from Villa Street, was the house of Pat and Tommy Brett. And then, right next to the annex in Brougham Street was Max and Delia Bullivant. WoW! It's all flooding back !!!

If anyone has contacts for these guys, or maybe they are lurking, I would dearly love to hear from them.
Been directed to this site and thread by Dave Inston who lived opposite me in Brougham Street and we have been communicating for a few years thanks to Friends Reunited.

As I'm not a member I'm using my Hubbys login - hence Robo - my names Glenda (nee Butler) if anyone remembers me.

Just been reading through the posts and getting quite sentimental looking at all the names I remember - Brian Bowler and Freddie Round were my best mates along with Maxwell Bullivant and his sister Delia. Rose Leader and her sister Eileen were friends of my older sisters Anita and Irene and Roy Aston was my older brother Tony's best mate. I believe Rose Leader still lives in the area in Carpenters Road. My sisters had lots of friends in Villa Street, the Haddleton twins, Ann and Kay who also had an older brother who's name escapes me and also a friend with the surname Beech, who's name also escapes me but when I speak to my sister later will get more info. Does anyone remember Joan Doughty who lived at the bottom of Villa Street she was my sisters best friend and still is to this day. When I speak to my brother Tony later I will find out if he knows the wherabouts of Roy Aston although I think the only friend he is still in contact with is Micheal Daley - does anyone remember him?

Does anyone remember Brian Steadman who lived in Brougham Street; he contacted me a couple of years ago again through FR.

I left Brougham Street in February 1967 with my Mom, who sadly died in 1996 to go to Clyde Tower at the end of Lozells Road. I was only there for a few months as I got married and moved to Sutton Coldfield.

I will post again when I get more information from my sister and brother.

Sorry if I've rambled on.

Just posted and then read your latest post Dave. Ann Farrell - remember her well, we used to go to the studios in Aston together to catch the 'stars' coming out of the Thank Your Lucky Stars recordings and my first 'date' was in a foursome with Ann when I was about 13. Dalphus (I think that was the spelling) I used to take out in his pushchair and remember having fried bananas at his house. Do you remember Paul Poston he lived up by Dalphus.

Will email soon.
hi glenda you ramble on. thats what we do on this site. it was great reading your story. sorry i cant recall you and the only name i do know are the beech family. i lived just a few doors down from them. i lived in villa st from 59 to 72 best wishes wales.
Dave,sorry for the delay in replying to your message.I have not been too well.Anyway,the last pic.I put on was in Bath and that is where they used to hold the Blues festival when it first started.I think it was in the local cricket pitch/recreation ground.If you Google Bath Blues Festival 1969 you will find exectly the same pics of the bands that I took only they are better than mine.BobS.
I have just found this picture of Nursery Road from 1967.It is a bit ropy but I have lightened it up a bit.It is the bit between Brougham Street and Villa Street.
A pic of the car sales place on Nursery Road.I think this used to be called the Halfway House.It was used for lodgings for unmarried mothers if I remember correctly.
I have just found this picture of Nursery Road from 1967.It is a bit ropy but I have lightened it up a bit.It is the bit between Brougham Street and Villa Street.

The building on the right is still there Bob?

hi bob. thanks for the pics. i have put an almost identical one on the site some time ago dont know if you have seen all the nursery road pics. the second one is one i havent got. as you prob know the large building to the right is h samuels. wales.
Bob, Nice to see you back. I trust you are fully recovered?

Whats that written on the bottom of the first pic of Nursery Road ? "Roughneck Street" Lol

On the second one, as Lyn as pointed out, you can see H Samuel in the background. My Dad worked there for a few years until we left in 1968. Judging by the cars, I guess that pic was taken in the 1970s.

By the way thanks for the fantastic info on the Bath Blues Festival.

As promised I'm posting a high quality scan of the original postcard of Brougham street I posted some time ago
Bob, Nice to see you back. I trust you are fully recovered?

Whats that written on the bottom of the first pic of Nursery Road ? "Roughneck Street" Lol

On the second one, as Lyn as pointed out, you can see H Samuel in the background. My Dad worked there for a few years until we left in 1968. Judging by the cars, I guess that pic was taken in the 1970s.

By the way thanks for the fantastic info on the Bath Blues Festival.

As promised I'm posting a high quality scan of the original postcard of Brougham street I posted some time ago

Is that you in the road Dave? Funny, I don't remember you ever wearing shorts and a cap????? lol More like an old army trench overcoat...

well its been a long time since i posted on this thread...but i think it was worth the wait...

here are two cracking pics of the street originally posted by ray griffiths..all i am doing is moving them to the appropriate place...

thanks again ray...

ps i wonder if anyone can make them a bit sharper and darker...i cant do things like that...lol



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As requested. Have deleted these two pictures from the other thread to save duplicating them and save bandwidth (or whatever its called !)
Speaking of Brougham Street. When I left school I worked with a young lady named Rose Leader (sp) We both worked at Abbotts the furniture store on Lozells Rd, she was in the accounts office, I was a junior salesman.

Rose lived in Brougham Street, opposite the school entrance I believe. There was a very strange front garden in Brougham Street, it had big lumps of coloured glass, and strange ornaments.
Hi ya .and Rose leader is still single ,and living in Lozells. i get a birthday card off her every year, she has now sent me 57.
What fantastic pictures of Hurlstons. When i got run over in Wills street ,i was 3 at the time Mrs Hurlston lay with me under the car to comfort me till they was able to jack the car up and extracate me. What a lovely person . Her husband was Frank and the 2 children David and Pamala. Mr Hurlston and David used to take me fishing with them to Bewdley. My mom would often send me up to " Ivys" to knock on the side door when we had run out of something or other. The Guy that run me over was from Wolfs , He bought me a little suit and a big easter egg, but i can still remember lying under that car ,and the pain and the smell of hot metal and oil. Max
I lived in Brougham Street, which ran between Wills street and Nursery road and paralled Hunters Road and Villa Street, in the 50s and 60s.
Has anyone memories or any pictures of the street or any of the neighbouring streets.
hi dave have put 41 photos of aston lozells brougham st is there have about another 100 to put on take a look thx vine searcher
hi dave have put 41 photos of aston lozells brougham st is there have about another 100 to put on take a look thx vine searcher
Hi Vine searcher. Your pics are fantastic. Please hurry and put the other 100 on.
hi vine searcher....ive been searching for a pic of the vine inn pub villa st for two years now...dont surpose you have got one have you...i notice you have 106 villa st as your location....i lived at 118 from 1958 until 1971,...
