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Brougham Street, Lozells

Now you got me thinking !!!! BobS???? I don't recall, sorry !!

Are you meaning Freddy Round and Brian Bowler? I remember them very well !

No, we didn't move to Great Barr. That was my cousin's family at 4, Alexandra Terrace, we lived next door at number 5. We moved to Weston-super-Mare directly I left school in 1968. My cousins moved out a couple of years later in the early 70s to Great Barr. In fact, I spoke to them on the 'phone last night, with a bit of luck they may join this very forum and maybe even bring some Brougham Street pics !

BobS..BobS ??? Sheesh no! It's gone...you'll have to prompt me !!!
And Lyn yes thanks, I did see the Nursery road pics you posted. They're Fantastic ! All downloaded now into my Brum collection.

The 60s Bash ! When and where is it? I may be able to make it !

I got your email address thanks, I'll sort out the CD tonight and send you the Beech File
Hi,Dave.Bob Shale here.You are right,it was the two you mentioned.We all got to know each other when I worked at the Crown on the corner of Villa Street.Myself,Andy,Brian,Glen Alexander,do you know him? and my younger brother Terry used to go on hols. together.We used to hire a car or borrow Glens' dads' minibus and just go where we wanted for two weeks or whatever.I used to live in Nursery Road exactlly opposite the bottom of Brougham Street.Timmy was a bit young then so he wasn't part of our 'gang'.We also used to go to all the rock and blues festivals all over the country when we could and saw some of the greatest rock bands ever!!.Eventually we got a house together in Witton for a few years until we started to split up because of marriage etc. We are still friends to this day except for Andy who we haven't seen for years after he went off to get married.
Wow Bob ! You have me with tears of joy in my eyes !! This is fantastic! All these names from the past that I thought were long gone !!
Of course, Glen Alexandra, now you've reminded me, I remember him vividly, such an amazingly nice guy ! I remember he had a huge mop of frizzy dark hair at the end of the 60's. A bit like Michael Jackson on steriods as the mop was about 3 feet in diameter !!!! You could see Glen coming for miles.

I'm real sorry though Bob, I don't seem to remember you at all ! Did you appear on the scene after 68? Or maybe you are just that bit older than me and we weren't in the same Gang !

Come on Bob. No you've started something! You must put me in touch with these guys !!!
hi dave. go to birmingham news and events and click on 60s theme night. then go to page 42 where i have posted all the final details. be really great if you can make it. glad you liked the pics i have many more that i will put on when i have time. ive sent you my email address earlier. lyn
dave and bob i am filling up here. see what a great site this is. dave bob is coming to the 60s night. you will have to come now. i can just imagine you pair chatting for hours.
Dave,a photo for you.From left is myself,my girlfriend,Andy,Glen and girlfriend,Kevin,I don,t know if you know him,then Brians girlfriend.Brian took this picture/
hi bob. as you worked at the crown and i dont know if you have seen all the nursery road/villa st pics i have put on thought you may like to see these. 1st one is the crown 1968 and the 2nd one is of the old tokens used i beleive for the slot machines and years ago to pay the staff like they could spend it over the bar. you can clearly see it says the crown villa street. best wishes wales. ps i put that many on i dont know who ive sent them to lol
Bob. I'm choked up mate! What an amazing photo !!! Thank you so much

I can't explain how pleased I am with this! Pity Brian was behind the camera.

But I'm still really puzzled why I can't remember you !! Too many brain cells destroyed in a mis-spent youth I suppose !!!!!

but ther agin I supose I kin stil rite an spel !
sorry to but in bob and dave. bob did you see the pics i posted on the previous page. im going to send dave a box of kleenex soon lol.
Hi,Wales.Yes I did see the pictures you put on and I downloaded the one of the Crown,if that't O.K.I used to work there with my Mum who has now passed away.I have been looking for a picture of it for years.I have all the pub books and all Carl's magazines but to no avail.Also the picture of 25,Nursery Road where I used to live.Thanks.
ok bob. i thought the pic of the old crown token was interesting too. please if ever you come across a pic of the vine inn that was in villa st please let me know. still cant get it and that pub means so much to me. thanks. wales
I went to the same Catholic School at the bottom of Brougham Street from 1957 when I was 5. It was St.Francis school and is one of the only two remaining buildings from the original Street to this day. Yes, we were taught by nuns and some of them were very strict, but there again I have fond memories of some of them. Sister Collette I remember was a very nice lady, Holy as anything! I believe I have a pic of her somewhere. The head Priest at the time was Father Emery. I remember he used to pick us up and give us an aerial somersault, very exciting ! I recall though that he always stunk of fags and booze !

Looking back at one episode that is quite funny now but rather traumatic for kid at the time, I remember that I was caught by one of the nuns picking my nose in class! I got the strap in front of the class and then had to spend the rest of the lesson crawling on my hands and kness searching for the offending Bogey ! Ah ! Those were the days !!

Jeez! The mental trauma was so bad I still can't do my times tables to this day !!!

St Francis school backed onto the convent which lead through into Hunters Road that ran parallel to Brougham street. In Hunters Road was also St Francis' church (see pic).

A little up the street from St Francis School was what I believed was St Marys School. It was a bit of a mystery to us kids because it appeared empty and was isolated from the street by a formidable wall and a heavy wooden gate. The wall, even for kids, was unclimbable and and the place remained a mystery to us.

In about 1960 we all moved up to "juniors" around the corner in Wills street ( I believe now this was part of the former St Marys) and was known as "the annex". The only thing I remember about this place is that the school prefects were thugs and bullies. Any misbaviour was punished by being told to stand outside the Headmasters office. Of course we were made to wait there regardless of misbehaviour or not. When the Headmaster returned from his lunch he would automatically, and without question or excuse, cane everyone in the line !!

Ah ! Fond memories !

In later years my Mum and Dad took me out of the Catholic school system and I went to Harry Lucas School in Farm Street. I loved that school. The Headmaster, Mr Walker, was a reeeeeeally nice guy. And guess what? I never had the cane once at that school !
Dave it was St Mary's Private School in my day. 1936 to 1945.
A bit off topic, but does anyone remember Roy Aston who lived on Nursery Road, just before you got to Brougham Street? The houses there were higher than the footpath, you had to go up steps to get to the front door.
hi barry. sorry the name dont ring a bell. ive got pics of the houses just before brougham st. what side did he live on. was it the crown pub side or the other side. wales
A bit off topic, but does anyone remember Roy Aston who lived on Nursery Road, just before you got to Brougham Street? The houses there were higher than the footpath, you had to go up steps to get to the front door.

barrie - I went to school with Paul Aston and steven Aston from Nursary Road. Are they related - Paul would be 56, Steven 54ish.

Wales; The house was in-between Hunters Road and Brougham Street, a photo would be great, thank you.

Keith; Roy Aston would be my age (72) if he is still about of course, those lads sound as though they are a bit young to be his brothers.

barrie. i havent got any that far up. the ones ive got are in between the corner of villa st and brougham st. have you seen them. i put them on some time ago. wales
I'm almost sure that Roy Aston is the elder brother of Paul Aston. As Keith mentioned Paul was in the same class as Keith. I was also in the same class.
I'm almost sure that Roy Aston is the elder brother of Paul Aston. As Keith mentioned Paul was in the same class as Keith. I was also in the same class.

I thought the name sounded familiar Dave. Paul's nickname was 'H' or Horse if you remember.

Yes. I remember "Horse". I can't remember why we called him that though Lol!!!!
Well, actually that's a lie, I can ! But we wouldn't want to make Lyn blush now would we ! hahahhahahah !
Paul was on Freinds reunited some while ago. I wonder if we can get him to come here?
There were 3 of us knocked about together, Billy Reeves, Roy Aston and meself. Roy Aston went to Gower Street School, while me and Billy Reeves went to Icknield Street School.

Billy Reeves and meself lived down the alley at the back of The Bridge Tavern in Hunters Road.

There were 3 of us knocked about together, Billy Reeves, Roy Aston and meself. Roy Aston went to Gower Street School, while me and Billy Reeves went to Icknield Street School.

Billy Reeves and meself lived down the alley at the back of The Bridge Tavern in Hunters Road.


Barrie - if you are able, it might be beneficial to contact Paul Aston about Roy on the Harry Lucas FriendsReunited site?

Hi Barrie
The trouble with Friends reunited is that it's not very active these days. However, I may have Pauls email add on another computer. If I can find it I'll im it to you (maybe tomorrow). Maybe he can put you in touch with Roy.
I was corresponding with Glenda Butler some time ago. Do you remember her from Brougham Street? She mentioned to me that she new Roy.
Hi Dave.

I went onto Friends Reunited and found Paul Aston, and have sent him a message, but would appreciate the e-mail address if you have it.

I can't recall that young lady, but thats not unusual these days.

me? blush dave never. bob do you recall the kids xmas parties held at the crown. i have one with me and me bro in it. lyn