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Brearley Street Newtown.

hi.. my post number 2 shows 19 brearley st..so not to far away...i would imagine the layout would be much the same...

hi mike and all you map experts....i would be so grateful if anyone can provide me a map showing the invidual properties of brearley st from say summer lane going across hospital st to where it ended at gt hampton row...in perticular i am looking for number 225 which i suspect came under brearley st west...

many thanks for you help on this one...

Gladly,but you don't say when. Between 1880 and 1900 there seems to have been a renumbering (again) from continuous to odd one side and even the other
oops sorry mike..thats my first senior moment of the week and i was doing so well:cry:...anywhere from 1940 to say 1955 if poss...

thanks mike..

Here is a map c 1913 of Brearley St. No 225 is on the north side between Great Hampton Row and Great Russell St. the pub on the corner of Great Hampton row is the Star & Garter (no 239) I think no 225 is one of the two buildings marked in red.
mike you are an angel...thank you so much...num 225 is quite a bit further up than i guessed but you know me...couldnt find me way round me own back garden....but no wonder my friend who as a child remembers the star and garter..they were almost next door to it....

now all i need is a pic of the pub...im sure i have one or maybe ive seen one but do you think i can find it..:rolleyes:

thanks again...


Could I ask you to post a little bit more of your map please :) Could you show me more of Great Russell Street (even into Lennox St) at that time, I would be sooooo grateful.

mike how annoying...this pic i have must just be out of shot of my friends house at no 225 and the star and garter is only a few steps to the left then....never mind its close enough and she is happy to have it..

Here is the street from New john St west on the left to the top of Lennox st at Gerrard St on the right
Many thanks for that Mike. Not sure I am any wiser now, but I have printed it off to have a good look at.

I had a gt aunt and uncle living at 217 Brearley Street - they were there from the early 40's (lost daughter in 1942 bombing raids) up to the mid 60's. They were called the Murrays
Which part of Brearley St is that? The part where my gt aunt and uncle were living is no longer there (west of Hospital Street)
hi darth..well i see a corner on the right hand side...going from memory of a map i have somewhere coming up from newtown row the first corner would have been summer lane then hospital st then gt russel st .on the summelane corner would have been a factory which is still there on the hospital st corner at that time was a chip shop..also from newtown row to hospital st brearly st has quite an incline...i walk up it everytime i visit mom and dad and as the pavement in the pic looks quite flat i could well be of brearley st west which as you rightly pointed our no longer exists...

will have a better look and see what i can find out for you....unless of course someone can tell us for definate

Hi Darth,
I think the picture is West of Hospital St and the road you can see to the right is the crossways with Great Russell St.The building on the corner was a fish&chip shop in the 1950s.
This is the courtyard at the back of 15 Brearley St.c1927.
My mom is the one right in the middle with a funny woolen beany hat on,the only other person I know on there is Henry Robinson,on moms right shoulder.
splendid pic ray...brillient...is the the houses we see behind tower street then...

This yard was on the Hatchett St. side,inthe middle bit between Newtown Row,and Summer Lane.
Another photo.from Brearley St.my gran climbing the greasy pole,she won £1,my familys only claim to fame.
hi ray...so its hatchett st in the background then...i couldnt remember which side the odd numbers where on...

i am taking another pic of that one i posted earlier as there is a bit more of the shot i can get in....thats me rushing to much as usual....

Ray, the picture of the group of children which i might add is (wonderful) should be blown up and mounted...Cat
Having just seen a photo of the "Stag" on the corner of Summer Lane,this is my gt.gran,sat outside her house which was next door,in Brearley St.
The second photo,was taken when she was young.
She had her left hand crushed working a power press when she was 13,and when she was old and widowed,she used to chop wood bundle it and hawk it around the street's,to supplement her 10/- pension.
hi all..as promised here is a better pic of brearley st...this one shows more of the top of the pic..any more thoughts as to which end of the street this was taken....

hi all...just found out the location of the above pic...the children are playing outside the rose and crown pub which was on the corner of brearley st and hospital st making it the corner of gt russell st on the right..

Hi Lyn,
If you look at this picture taken looking in the opposite direction,you can see the 2 cutouts in the curb where the kids are playing.
hi mossg....i think us kids spent more time playing in the road than on the pavements.....mind you we hadnt the traffic to contend with then as we do now....happy days...

Hi Lyn, we used to call it the horse road when we were kids?
and we always had a fist full of bread and dripping, or bread and jam,you don,t see it anymore.. l o l Derek
ahh derek..those were the days ehh...actually although i no longer play in the oss road i quite often have beef or pork dripping on toast...cant beat it....well that and faggots and peas....lol

Hi, Have just found this fabulous site. My Gt. Grandmother, Eliza Williams lived at 44 Brearley Street in 1898 and her husband to be, my Gt. Grandfather, James Jenkins lived next door in 46 Brearley Street. Do you know if these two houses still stand, and/or have you any old photos of these two houses.
Attached is an 1890 map of the east end of Brearley st. nos 44,46 are in red, with 44 to the right. the public house at no 54, a few doors away, is the kings head, so a wide angle picture of the kings head might show the house.