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Brearley Street Newtown.

Hi Lynne,
Came across this picture today.I doubt if you will find closer than this,it shows 48&50 Brearley Street.

hi all. ive come accross some pics of brearley st now. will post a few for you. heres one or two.



Just seen your picture of 19 Brearley Street. in 1901 my great grandparents were living at 18 Court 1 House Brearely Street. Possibly the houses would have been similar, so nice to see what they might have been like. Their names were Benjamin and Mary Ann Griffiths. Children - Ellen (my gran), Annie, Lizzie, Emily, Elsie & Florence (Florrie). Any help on this family would be appreciated as gran died when mom was a child so she knows little about them.
Thanks again.
getting ready for the royal visit of edward prince of wales to brearley st 1934...think i have posted one of him walking up the street...

When The Prince of Wales visited Brearley St,my dad was allowed out of the factory where he worked (Southgates)to greet him,on their return to work those who took up this "generous" offer were docked one hours pay.
My mom who lived at court 15 house No.3 Brearley St.told me that Prince Edward went into a house in the next yard to her,the home of Ginny or Jenny Lee and a couple of weeks later a cart arrived loaded with furniture...a gift from the prince.
morning ray...nice story that..well not so much about the pay being docked...post 38 shows a pic of the price walking up brearley st just in case you missed it..i want to do some research on this last pic to find out where in the street it was taken...off the top of me head and looking at the incline it could be summerlane running accross with the stag pub being on the right corner...if thats correct the factory on the the right is still there and they made the pearl buttons for queen marys coronation gown. and it has the by royal appointment label on it..another reason why it wont be demolished.well thats what i have been told but i must try and verify all this so dont take it as read just yet..

hi again ray..i think i must have it wrong about queen mary..she was on the throne long before those factories were there surely....like i said i must do some research on this...

Good morning Lyn,
Your post No. 4 shows I.Griffen where my mom had her first job.
Your post No.37 "The Stag" shows at least one house between there and the school,it's where my gt.gran lived,look at this photo,it's her sat outside her house,notice the small window above her head.It looks like at some stage the pub took over her house and incorporated it into what it is today.My dad well remembers her sat outside her house.I have only just found out her house is still there.
ray.what a typical gt gran pic...i am going to moms tomorrow so have to walk up brearley st..i think i shall take some pics of the stag. and look at the building in more detail.but from what you say if your gt nans house was incorporated into the pub it makes the only surviving house left...wicked...heres the two pics side by side..have to agree with you about that window...

ray..have you seen this pic of the stag..its shows the houses better...in my previous pic taken in the 60s the houses have gone...well more or less..
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When dad was cycling down Brearley St.c1929,he ran into a little girl,whereupon the old lady (my gt.nan) jumped up of her chair and chased him,a few years later at the Memorial Hall dance in Whitehouse St.he met the same girl and married her...a very good reason to remember the incident in detail.
I am amazed that the house is still there,wouldn't have noticed without your help.
ray..you would not beleive the joy i get when posting a couple of pics can mean so much to folk....i can only liken it the other week when after a long search i eventually found a pic of the vine inn pub..

always happy to help...

ray i forgot to say what a lovely story about your dad...nice to have a happy ending...

View attachment 37643
My Great Gran jane Moran lived in Brearley St. She married Michael Crowe and was a nasty as she looks. Evidently the her family were in the Taxi or transport business and she owned a number of properties,
thanks for you story leonard...i think most nans and gt nans always looked very stern in the photos..you should see the one of my nan...

Thanks for all the lovely pics of Brearley Street. It is really good to be able to get a feel for how it was when my g grandparents and my grandma would have lived there.
Cheers Trish
hi ray..heres the pics i told you about all together..see what you think...

next to the little window in pic 2 is a door with a big step up.....in pic 4taken yesterday that original step is still there and its at least a foot and half high ...so i cant see this being the entrance to a house...the top half of the buiding has been removed sometime and as you said the bottom half incorporated into the pub...my guess is that your gt nans house was the one next to the darker coloured building in pic 2...

but of course i always stand to be corrected....and i am...very often...lol

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It looks to me you are right,the house my gt.gran lived in was the one you said.
The house I first thought would have been the living quarters for the gaffer of the pub,remember it's address was Brearley St.not Summer Lane and the step had two risers in your photo.No.2,but not in todays photo.
Now,as I cannot see the cellar head or a dropping hook,my guess would be, it was a gravity pull,(the beer goes to the top floor).If this is the case the building between the two homes,was where the pulley was,and also for bottle storage.
Perhaps gt.granny did move her chair closer to the pub,then on the other hand,she could have been the bouncer,she only had one complete hand, she had an accident on a power press when she was 13 years old,but my dad reckons even the stump was deadly.
Thanks for all your efforts bab.
so ray you have a pic of your gt grans house then...wonderful...think i understand what you are saying about pulleys and gravity lol...got a couple more pics to post..

took this pic yesterday..im pretty sure its where pic 2 was roughly taken from..the buildings on the right are still there except for the old houses right at the bottom..they were replaced by a newer factory...summer lane is running along the bottom of the pic and hospital st is behind where i took the pic from..

I'm not sure about that Lyn. Albert Lusty, which is what I read the factory on the left of the picture as, was (according to the 1933 directory) no 85 on the north side, between Newtown Row and Summer Lane. i agrre there are a lot of similarties though.
mike if you look at the building towards end of my pic taken yesterday you can just see a white thing on the top..well that was jc neweys...here is a better pic of it..cant remember the exact num but i think it was around number 107 ..anyhow the story goes that it is this firm that made the buttons for a coronation gown..of which queen i am uncertain...

looks like you are right about my orignal pic...i was in the wrong section of brearly st..crikey not only did all the houses and shops look the same but so did the factories..lol
I assume Newey Bros is the same as J C Newey. In 1933 they were at 105-127 , again on the north side but between Summer Lane & Hospital St, so not too far away , on the same side of the street as Lustys
morning mike..thanks for that..my first pic on post 100 show 105 to 127 brearley st.... so my original pic waiting for the royal visit would have been taken on the opposite side of the stag pub..roughly opposite st chads school i would imagine...think ive more or less got me bearings now...

DARTH DC ....I notice you are researching the FIELD family amongst others, can you tell me exactly who as I descend from inner city Brum I am a Field. Mail me back...Karl
When did your grandad live in Brearley St.and what was his name?.
I know a few names from around No.22 the Newtown Row end.