Joseph Phipson
There seem to have been two josephs, one just joseph, the other Joseph Wetherley (or Weatherbey). Judging by the formers disappearence around 1836 , when you say he had a bankruptcy, then this must be your man. He (or possibly his son re-appeared a few years later. I have included details of both up to 1862, by when the one you are interested has disappeared, and ht eother has merged with others..
1815 Phipson Joseph, Easy Row
Phipson J. W. Cheadie Company’s warehouse, and dealer in metals, New-street
Phipson J . W. Bromsgrove-street
1818 Phipson Joseph. Islington
1818 Phipson J. W. Bromsgrove-street
1818 Phipson J. W. and Co.Cheadle Company’s warehouse,and dealer in metals,
Upper Temple-street
1818 Phipson J. W. manufacturer of oil of vitriol, Roman vitriol etc.Ladywell Walk
1823 Phipson Joseph. Islington
1823 Phipson and Doughty, button and military ornament makers, 12,New Hall-street
1823 Phipson J. W. dealer in wire and metals, 126, New-street
1829-30 Phipson and Doughty, gilt and plated button, naval and military ornament
makers, 12, Ncwhall-st.
1829-30 Phipson J. W. aqua-fortis manufacturer,23, Gt. Hampton-st.
1829-30 Phipson Jos. pearl shell dealer, 12, Newhall-St
1829-33 Phipson Jos. W. and Co. castors, grinding,polishing, and rolling mill, and
platers and plated metal, wire, &c.manufacturers and dealers, 126, New st.
and 39, Paradise-st.—Residence,Selly Hall
1833 Phipson Joseph, gilt and plated button,naval and military ornament makers,
and dealers in pearls, 12, Newhall-st.
1839 Phipson J. W., dealer in copper and brass tubes, wire, and rolled metals,
55, Bread street—residence, Crescent East
By 1839 all the joseph (as opposed to J.W.businesses have disappeared, because of bankruptcy.
But by 1841 ( I assume it is the same one);
1841 Phipson Joseph, agent, 11 Union passage
Phipson Joseph Weatherley, dealer in copper and brass tubes, wire and rolled
metals, Cambridge street, and manufacturing chemist, 23 Great Hampton st
1845 Phipson Joseph, passage, colonial, & emigration agent, & agent to the
Dissenters' & General life & fire insurance 11 Union passage
1845 Phipson John Weatherley,manft.chemist 23 Gt.Hampton st
1849 Phipson Joseph Henry,manufact\iring chemist,37, Lawley street
1849 Phipson Joseph, agent to the General Fire and Life Insurance Co. 70,
Navigation st.;house. Alpha Cottage, Highgate
1849 Phipson Jph. Weatherby, gent. Chain walk
1855 Phipson Joseph, went to the General fire & life assurance.70 Granville street
Home 11 frederick St, edgebaston
1855 Phipson J. W., edge tool mkcr., home. Solihull
1858 Phipson Joseph, agent to the General Fire and Life Office, 70, Granville street
; home 20, Frederick st, Edgbaston
1862 Phipson Joseph, (Phipson & Warden) ; home 20, Frederick st, Edgbaston
1862 Phipson & Warden. Brass 7 metal bedstead manufacturers, 70 Granville St.