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birmingham accent,good or bad

hi millie..my daughter could teach us...her text messages are a different language...bit like shorthand....lol...

I also agree with what you say Stitcher. My sister in law works at the DHSS and one of her biggest problems is trying to understand what is written as applicants are using text talk in LETTERS!!

Hi, Wendy,

I take your point about your sister-in-law's comment. Maybe teachers these days accept these "modern" forms of communication - perhaps with a shrug of the shoulders?

My son - he's now 50 years of age - has terrible handwriting; always has had , even in schooldays. It was particularly noticed by me because, in my schooldays, how to write nice handwriting was actually taught as a lesson. And, to tell the truth, my own was pretty good...

So when I used to look at my son's I would cringe. One day, at a school open day, I asked his teacher about his rotten handwriting and whether my son couldn't be taught how to write a little better.

The teacher's answer? "Oh, we're not very concerned about handwriting, Mr Pedley. It's the value of the content that flows from his brain down to the paper, that interests us...!"

So, Wendy, that was me put in my place. And probably the reason for your sister-in-law's observations...!


Jim Pedley (pedlarman)
Well, I am very proud of my Birmingham accent and make no attempts to change or hide it. Like all accents, its part of my identity.

The people who post notes like this anonymously are really just sad, cowardly, bitter and twisted individuals who want to blame others for their own shortcoming
Interesting, I wonder what would happen if others going on Holiday to places like Aberystwyth stopped stopped going? Their economic engine would be severely damaged! What is SO sad is that someone’s accent has such a vile impact on others.
i have seen posted "english spend your dosh here and frig off back home". not nice at all
tham just jealous becouse they cor speak like us

ps whats a yew yew
There are two things, I believe, that attract visitors to a place. One is the scenery and facilities, and the other is the the friendliness of the people. Wales can be a very beautiful place with wonderful scenery. But personally I have not found the people anything like as friendly as those in the Midlands and the North. So if they want to maintain people visiting the plac, and bringing their money into it, then perhaps this sort of thing is likely to be a bit of an own gsol
Years ago I listened to an item on the radio about a study that had been done regarding British accents. Recordings of people from all over Britain were sent to Universities all over the world, and English speakers there were asked to listen to them and say which ones they liked most, and why. I was surprised (to say the least) to hear that the most popular accent among international students came from…BIRMINGHAM! As I recall, listeners said it was very easy to understand and friendly sounding, a ”sing-songy voice” was the term I remember.
Our own countrymen may hate our accent but the rest of the world seems to love it!
Yow from Brum?
Ar, thats rite,ar, Berningum.
That's one version but there are many others probably depending on wair yo was brung up !
Interestingly,they often merge with those from surrounding areas. Yow orroight ? Ar, bostin !
The best quote I heard was:
That's what Birmingham people say to bees !
Yagorralaff encha.?
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My memories as a boy, was the friendliness of Brummies, when I would go with mom or dad on the Trams, especially in the mornings, nearly all who got on , or off the tram would shout , getting on "Morning All", and when getting off , " Tarrah a bit ", lovely days !!!