master brummie
There is a classic portrait of Matthew Boulton sitting in Soho House with a view of Soho Manufactory out of the window. Have not yet tracked down a copy but no doubt there is one somewhere on the internet.
dont it just charlie...cracking pics and very interesting map there mike...turnpike road is now soho hill and road...the dotted line to the right of that is now hunters road obviously after hunters nursery...under wills and gimbett became nursery terrace then changed to nursery road..i would imagine that wills st was named after wills and gimbett and i also note on the map george barker esq and so barker st was born..then we have colonel vyse and we all know of vyse st...fascinating...just as an aside time team were in south road a few years back uncovering the soho manufactory and an old friend of mine played quite a part in the programme..the team even dug up his parents back garden and patio(he used to live there and as a teenager i visited the house)...they could have gone further back but the back living room would have had to go...amazing to think that all those years back i had no idea was what under that house and still is of course.
Bakers versus Millers
Complaint in a (not very good) poem
Not sure what the final one is about, but think it must be a plea to the council to improve the pavements.
Couldnt the Forum get into trouble by showing this picture ? it does say it is copyright of Birmingham city museum.Hi DavidGrain: Could it be this painting of Matthew Boulton you are looking for. From the BMAG site? https://www.bmagic.org.uk/objects/1987V106/images/138941
I wonder,! in the picture of Matthew Bolton it shows him holding something in his left hand, could this be the very unpopular "Cartwheel Penny" which he undertook at his Birmingham mint, and which was with drawn after traders and business's refused to use as too heavy. Just a thought!!
The Wheatsheaf is given as no 109 New St. However, with all the rebuilding that took place around New St station, it seems to have been demolished in the late 1860s. The Wheatsheaf is listed in 1868, but gone in 1872. 109 was berween lower Temples st and Stevenson place. At a guess i would say about the middle.
Hi DavidGrain: Could it be this painting of Matthew Boulton you are looking for. From the BMAG site? https://www.bmagic.org.uk/objects/1987V106/images/138941
I wonder,! in the picture of Matthew Bolton it shows him holding something in his left hand, could this be the very unpopular "Cartwheel Penny" which he undertook at his Birmingham mint, and which was with drawn after traders and business's refused to use as too heavy. Just a thought!!
Below is the cutting on David Jennings from the birm. Post 21.7.1873 that I mentioned in IM