It is possibly mine or my sisters' trees you have been looking at on Ancestry. We are descended from Albert (b1839/40), whose brothers were George (b1845) and Thomas (b1835), plus a sister Jane (b1842). From your posts it sounds like Thomas was also called/known as Henry, but I've only found him on the 1841 census, where he's listed as Thomas.
We've assumed the two elder children of Thomas (b1789/91) listed on the 1841 census (Ephraim and Joseph) have a different mother because Thomas and Harriet got married in December 1831. Ephraim was born in 1829 and Joseph in 1831. Thomas was also a lot older than Harriet, so it's probable he had a first wife - I would guess the first marriage took place in Crawley, but I have no proof.
We have assumed a link between Thomas and Charles/Rhoda Tullett from Crawley but since the birth date of 1786 for Thomas was so different to the one suggested on the 1841/51 censuses, it was difficult to prove the link.
I have found an agreement listed in the National Archives and dated 1820 between Thomas Tullett, hatter of Birmingham, and his father Charles, gent of Crawley. The documents are held at Warwickshire County Record Office and I have yet to go there and see if there's further information - such as an address for Charles, so I can then go to the Crawley parish records to trace Charles - and possibly confirm his wife was Rhoda.
I've also found some conveyancing documents dated 1812 which mention various wills of the Mutton family. The documents mention that an Ephraim Mutton's will in 1810 directed that his property be sold and the money split six ways, the first recipient being Charles Tullett and Ruddy his wife. I think this may be Charles and Rhoda - whose maiden name was Mitton or Mutton.
If anyone finds any proof that Thomas was Charles and Rhoda's son, I'd be very grateful, as we've been a bit stuck on this for a while!