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Things you said when you was a kid

i used to be a ginger nut and took some stick at school,but my grandad used to call me copper nop,dont ask me why,i am still ginger but with a good bit of grey
my mother when sees us climbing used to shout come down from there and if you break you legs don't come running to me
Lee such a contradictory saying but I do remember that too. Pete's older brother was a red head and they used to taunt him don't know why because he would give his three younger brothers a good hiding. They called him another name and ran for their lives bit I definately can't put that on here. Bye. Jean.
your lucky,in the winter our house used to be that cold,we wonderd ir we had a roof on it,cold water tap.one small fire to warm the house and dad used to say on leaveing a door open,put the plug in the hole and other words i could not repeat on this line by by jean
does anybody remember people saying hows the budge meaning what time is it
When we were playing up my mom used to say I'll give you such a fourpenny one and it'll be who'd ave thought it!!
in reply to jujus dose any one remember whirligigs, and chocolate dainties?
h i i have asked many people if they remember whirligigs and they have always said no used to buy them in mcgauleys in vaughton st and barnwells in gooch st
hi liz
I remember whirligigs we had 2 sorts one where you used two hands and pulled them apart so the thing spun fast, the other type you spun round over your head.
hi liz
I remember whirligigs we had 2 sorts one where you used two hands and pulled them apart so the thing spun fast, the other type you spun round over your head.
Hi Paul the wirligigs i was referring to were little chocolate bars,i think i remember the toy
My Mum often countered any resistance to her authority if, when being given some 'command' I should ask ''why'' and she would answer ''Zed!'' There was no point in arguing further...I don't know why I bothered in the first place...
Does any remember the saying if you saw an ambulance.

Touch your collar
Never swallow
Till you see a dog.

What was that all about I ask ?
i think it was for luck so you never went in an ambulance,
hold your collar
never swallow
never die in an ambulance
until you see a four legged animal
Hi Liz, I remember 'Curly Wurley's, but not Whirligigs. I only remember the children's programme on TV called Whirlygig, which I think was on Saturday evening.
Hi Liz, I remember 'Curly Wurley's, but not Whirligigs. I only remember the children's programme on TV called Whirlygig, which I think was on Saturday evening.
Hello Maggs i remember curly wurley's,but the one i refer to was a very small choc bar no wrapping maybe they just had them in our local shop, and it was just choc, no toffee it looked like 3 circles of choc stuck together
Liz, I can't place these sweet's for the life of me. But we had a sweet shop near our school, and they sold things that didn't seem available elswhere. We had another sweet shop that used to put a fizzy tablet in a small bottle of water and call it some sort of pop. As it was only 1d a bottle, I drank it regularly. Never saw that anywhere else either.
Liz, I can't place these sweet's for the life of me. But we had a sweet shop near our school, and they sold things that didn't seem available elswhere. We had another sweet shop that used to put a fizzy tablet in a small bottle of water and call it some sort of pop. As it was only 1d a bottle, I drank it regularly. Never saw that anywhere else either.
The person who mentioned them on this thread lived in the same area as i did,but i can't see that having any bearing, St Martins
girl,is the name, i wonder what the tablet was asprin or eno's lol
I never had a whirlygig,nor a curley whurley...so now I am going down to see my dad and demand to know why I was deprived of these little treats...I suppose he will blame the war again.
We had a tuck shop opposite U.T.S.school where they sold small bottles of coloured water,for 1d.it came out of a round glass thingy,that looked like a big bubble.
Liz, the tablet that made the pop could well have been Aspirin or Eno's. However, it didn't seem to do me any harm. The man who ran the shop had a ciggy permanently hanging from his mouth, I bet that did him some harm.
I never had a whirlygig,nor a curley whurley...so now I am going down to see my dad and demand to know why I was deprived of these little treats...I suppose he will blame the war again.
We had a tuck shop opposite U.T.S.school where they sold small bottles of coloured water,for 1d.it came out of a round glass thingy,that looked like a big bubble.

I bet that was the same stuff Ray.
Funny you should say that Keeg's, people often commented on my whiter than white teeth. Liz, sherbet didn't work for me either.
I used to put Andrews liver salts into orange squash to make pop - it worked, but you didn't want too much of it!
Yes remember that too i actually liked Andrews as a drink very refreshing still like it
Hi Liz
yes i remember that one word for word, I was trying to remember that one months ago and i could not remember how it went so i didnt bother racking my brains any more for it [ nice one girl ]
what i do remember is ; never start what you cannot finish or else forget it ;
have a nice day liz Astonian ;;;;
Hi Liz
yes i remember that one word for word, I was trying to remember that one months ago and i could not remember how it went so i didnt bother racking my brains any more for it [ nice one girl ]
what i do remember is ; never start what you cannot finish or else forget it ;
have a nice day liz Astonian ;;;;
Hi Astonian its funny how you forget things from years ago, and somebody says something and brings it back like it was yesterday liz
Pete had a laugh at that Bill as that's what they used to sing to his red haired brother Mervin then got beat up afterwards [if he managed to catch them]. Jean.