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Things you said when you was a kid

I don't like the changing language either. This Movie's business (baby talk) as mentioned. There are a lot of things like that these days another annoying one creeping in is 'One time' instead of ONCE Grrrr!
Gob is an awful word,never use it,don't think I'm a snob,I even wear hand me down clothing,from my grandsons,how low is that?.
hi ray
im glad im not the only one who dislikes that word and there is nothing wrong with wearing hand me downs, there was only me and my sister when i was growing (not quite there yet) me being the elder, however she was biger than me so it was me who wore the hand me downs the only thing i used to get new was shoes, my girls are always borrowing my clothes and visa versa and when they tire of something they pass it on to me, i consider this to be (using a new saying) recycling lol
regards anniekei
There ain't nothing new in this world,we always recycled.
It's a good thing you had a sister and not a brother that could have caused problems.
My grandson's hand me down's are great,I find myself at the cutting edge of fashion,Well, only one year behind.
What they spend on a teeshirt,would buy me 10 at Primark.
Another old saying is "you are in your oil tot". This is when you are happy and in a good mood.
Hi my favorite saying was"it wasnt me "delivered to perfection no blinking eyes, no going red. all to no avail I still got a slap in case I had done it and was telling lies . how do they know? cheers 33bus Tom
Hi I am new to this never been on any site before so here goes - have not even introduced myself yet - don't know how to do it so will someone help me!!. 'Any road up' I shall have a go. All the sayings before I remember, there was also la pom for the toilet and acky one two three when playing hide and seek.
Yes, Acky one two three and someone being in their 'Oil tot'. Funny how we forget until someone reminds us isn't it?
aky 1 2 3 when you caught someone and barley when you wanted a break(from parley?),what about"its as black as dicks hat-band" and mom called the drain the suff. if you was in a bad mood you were cranky,good mood you were bright as a button. quite often my dad would say listen oman ,not woman,if you felt tired you had no GOO in you and moms. theres none so deaf as them as dont want to hear!
if she did not like some-one she would say"goo and thro mud at yer photograph" ONLY SHE DIDNT SAY MUD
liquorish and kali, barley sugar, liquorish comfits, juicy fruit chewing gum and beech nut out of the penny machines, aniseed balls, cherry lips, gob stoppers, and yor mom would do you coco and sugar haha victory Vs, imps cashew sweets so your mom didnt guess that you had all clubbed together for a joystick ciggy which were about 10 ins long, home made troach from the old girls at the bottom of butler st and toffee dabs and some round things called tea cakes brown in colour, lemon sherberts,bulls eyes, everton mints and my favs fruit bon bons and oh so many more....wasnt childhood just the best!!!
my hubbys granma used to say dont go near the water till you learn to swim ??????
My mum had a saying when she sent us to the shop, she would say (Run as fast as you can and if you fall over don't stop to pick yourself up.
Oh. t
yes, I remember Juju's and cukcuks. My father-in-law used it on my son and I had to explain what grandad was talikng about.. Also my mom used to say - OK little Nell, the whole in your Bell will never get well. . never knew what that meant. Miriam.
When asking me if I'd been somewhere I shouldn't and me answering "no".......she'd say "It'll all come out in the wash"......and it usually did.
Oh. t
.. Also my mom used to say - OK little Nell, the whole in your Bell will never get well. . never knew what that meant. Miriam.

Hi Miriam

I remember it too, it used to end 'will never get well - if you pick it'
My wife remembers it , but thinks it was just a jibe you would say to
someone called Nell.

Similarly I remember the second half of this limerick being quoted:

There was a young woman fron Thrace,
Whose corsets got too tight to lace.
Her mother said -Nelly,
There's more in your belly,
Than ever went in through your face.

Happy days!

Kind regards

I think the saying 'The hole in my belly will never get well' referred to the the belly button.
froth trust you to bring up underwear again..lol...i well remember saying arley barley and ackey 123....

i remember our mom saying shes in her oil tot too...i reckon in those days our parents had their own language......be nice to find out where some of these sayings came from....oh another one was if someone was in a bit of a dither and flustered it would be referred to as being in a muck sweat.....

Hello Dave89. My mother was called 'little nell' do you think the saying had anything to do with her?

My mother used to put "coal tar rope" on the bed post and rub our little chests with goose fat, if we got a cold.
Also known her put half an onion under the bed to catch all the germs from the cold. Miriam
My mom used to say she had a bone in her leg if I asked to be picked up and she was tired, although this is not a funny saying I remember her telling me she had heart burn once and it worried me to death thinking her heart was burning and she was going to die, have to be careful what you say to kids!!
Did anyones parent's used to say that they had 'The Screws' when they had some aches and pains? I heard that said a lot.
Another one i only ever here in brum is when you are grumpy and your mom would say: who got out the wrong side of the bed then.
Also when we asked how much some thing cost she would say money and fair words.
I was born and reared in Acocks Green and I have to say I heard almost all the sayings that have been mentioned. If any of us three kept calling mom she would say "moms leg and half a stocking".