Depends if you were sending it to someone else?Look forward to them mw0njm ! Actually thinking about it, did SAE stand for ‘self addressed envelope’ or ‘stamped addressed envelope’ ? I always thought it was ‘stamped’ but maybe not. Viv.
99.9% of the time I guess it was, Mike, but there is no specific reason, it could not be someone else's address. Although when SAE's were more frequently used by me I can't recall another addressee just myself.I always thought it was stamped addressed envelope. If it was addressed then that would be to yourself
Remember " Keep going well, Keep going Shell, you can be sure of Shell" ?They're both (Shell + BP) in the top 10 world companies (just for info). Shell used to transport sea shells back from the middle east for shops to sell here and it was them that went on to supply their vehicles for the transport of oil (eventually) because they had a good transport system ~ simple as that ~ thats how the petrolem connection started and thats why they have shell signs outside the garages. Factoid of the day - my brains hurts now![]()
Remember " Keep going well, Keep going Shell, you can be sure of Shell" ?
I sang all the jingles as a child. Esso Golden, get a tiger in your tank, They asked me how I knew it was Esso Blue, I of course replies, lower grades one butys smoke gets in your eyes, sang in a Northern accent.
I got a pottery drum golly and a football enamel golly. Dad saved Kraft coupons I foget what the food was but it was carboard, cut along the dotted line, excitment, and we got a 45 rmp Let's Go Fly A Kite from Mary Poppins except it wasn't the original. Plus the greensLike many of us on here, I collected the paper Gollies off Robertson’s Jams. I sent off and got the hockey enamel badge and the guitar player. Remember how excited you were when you got something back in the post !
And remember how you used to have to fill out a coupon in magazines and newspapers to get brochures e.g holiday brochures, home appliances, advice leaflets etc. Non of this Googling thingy me bob at the tip of your fingers ! Viv.
yes i do i, i sent off for some tapes, and had a job to cancel every month tapes come i did not want.Does anyone remember the 'Britannia Music Club', where you could send off for LP's on approval?
Does anyone remember the 'Britannia Music Club', where you could send off for LP's on approval?
my dad made rugs out of the old flower sack from his work. bless him he would spend hours pulling bit of wool through it.These rugs were a version (which cost money of course) of the old style rag rugs. Scraps of material (from old cloths and similar) were used and sewn into a hessian backing. Hessian (or some other backing) could be bought but often scrounged which meant they cost nothing to make - other than time. I believe you can buy kits to make them but that defeats the frugal (cheapskate) idea. They were a good makeshift for many during WW2.
Well I encountered folk, some while after WW2, that could afford factory made rugs, who were cheapskates who preferred to hang on to their money and search around for thrown away cloth to make these rugs. I used the word frugal and only put cheapskate, in brackets, as a secondary dad made rugs out of the old flower sack from his work. bless him he would spend hours pulling bit of wool through it.
he was no cheapskate. i resent the saying that people who made them was cheapskates
I used to listen to radio radio luxembourg Teen and Twenty Disc Club hosted by Jimmy Savil and sent off for a bracelet with a coin attached saying I was a member. Just junk