master brummie
Hi Pete, our local pound shop have these magnifier sheets,or did have last week!
Nopt sure where in N.Wales you are but my son got one from a touristy type shop in Rhyl in August - can't remember shop name, nor street name, but if you walk from the sea-front towards the train station, on the pedestrianised area past shopping centre, it is on the corner at the set of lights before the ones on the bridge - my hubby is now cracking up at my description, but he doesn't remember the street or shop name either and he is of Welsh origin!!
Nopt sure where in N.Wales you are but my son got one from a touristy type shop in Rhyl in August - can't remember shop name, nor street name, but if you walk from the sea-front towards the train station, on the pedestrianised area past shopping centre, it is on the corner at the set of lights before the ones on the bridge - my hubby is now cracking up at my description, but he doesn't remember the street or shop name either and he is of Welsh origin!!