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The Stags Head 13th Feb 2010

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true brummie
just got back and have had a great time. the stag was packed when i got there at 12.15pm so they were all early. lovely meeting everyone again and the raffle for the bham childrens hospital raised £85 which is great. :thumbsup::thumbsup: food was lovely and plenty for all.
thanks to everyone for a lovely afternoon. :):):)
I hope that you all had a good time, sorry that I couldn't be with you all,:( Graham.
Well, these meet ups just keep getting better and better, many thanks to all those who turned up and commiserations to those who were unable to make it.
The company was 1st class and hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves. It never fails to amaze me how a bunch of people, who use false names when conversing on a web site, can get together in a strange place and within minutes can be interacting with each as if they are life long bosom friends, is it just a Brummie thing.
Todays raffle in aid of site funds raised £84.00, which is flippin' fantastic, Donations raised another £101.94,again many thanks to you all, making a total of £185.94.
Thank you all from a knackered Postie and Hilary.
I really wanted to be there but couldn't because I was busy with family things :(. I am so glad you had a great time and well done for raising so much money :):). Can't wait for the photos.
Wrinkle and myself enjoyed seeing all those who turned up. I forgot to take my camera so I have to depend on others once again. Unfortunately we had to leave early to take my daughter to Merry hill to get her Birthday Pressie.
It's hard to imagine that my dad used The Stags Head almost 90 yera ago.
Once again, for the time we were there it was great, nice to see you all.
What a great day I think everyone enjoyed themselves, I know I did.
Did'nt take many photos but this was my favourite. Sorry Chris
What a fantastic day. WELL DONE LYN. It was great to meet you all. Shame I didn't get to meet everyone. Looking forward to the next meet. I couldn't have enjoyed a Saturday more if I'd tried. Well done to all involved in the Raffles. Glad to see so much money was raised.
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Well this meet up was absolutely brilliant thanks to everyone who came. The food was just fantastic we owe this pub a very big thank you. Personally I would love another meet up there it was just great! The atmosphere was just like the pubs of times gone by Michael and I really enjoyed ourselves it was lovely to meet old friends and new ones too. I can't believe how far some people travelled. Here is a photo of nearly everyone I think some hid in the pub........Thanks go to Lyn for organising the event to Jim and Hillary for all their hard work keeping this site going and most important the memebers for supporting it without them we wouldn't have a site!:)
all the hostility, head-hits and insults are forgotten in a haze of alcohol! i must admit that lyn seemed the most eager ;)
Just got back and what a brilliant day :)..lovely to meet new faces as well as old friends....talking of old friends it was lovely for me to meet another forum member i hadn't seen in 40 yrs...ya still looking good Linda:):)thanks everyone for a great day :)can't wait for the next meet up
I have to say it was wonderful to see Frankie40 in his kilt........he looked so smart thanks for being a good sport it made my day!
Well this meet up was absolutely brilliant thanks to everyone who came. The food was just fantastic we owe this pub a very big thank you. Personally I would love another meet up there it was just great! The atmosphere was just like the pubs of times gone by Michael and I really enjoyed ourselves it was lovely to meet old friends and new ones too. I can't believe how far some people travelled. Here is a photo of nearly everyone I think some hid in the pub........Thanks go to Lyn for organising the event to Jim and Hillary for all their hard work keeping this site going and most important the memebers for supporting it without them we wouldn't have a site!:)

I could'nt agree more lets have another soon , Did'nt get time to talk to many of the great bunch of like minded "BRUMMIES" -Eric (Blackham90 )
all the hostility, head-hits and insults are forgotten in a haze of alcohol! i must admit that lyn seemed the most eager ;)

I suppose you could say touch'e Chris as my wife is beating me up after seeing this photo. OCH! OCH!
as somebody as already said these meet ups get better and better, I really enjoyed it and the buffet must be the bargain of the year, looking forward to the next one. Eric
Thanks lyn another great meet :)

Great meet :) Great people :):3dancingsmilies: :)

food for 1 pound :)
Had a great!! time. Even the the two guests (my aunts) I brought with me said. "WHEN'S THE NEXT ONE" glad to meet Lindev, and Dek Carr. Nice to meet you too Eric it was a pleasure. Thanks to Lyn and the Stags head staff, Regards, Reg.
Just want to add my thanks to Lyn for organising a great meet-up, to Wendy for the raffles and keeping things going; and to Hilary and family for making me so welcome; the atmosphere was great and I had a chance to put a few names to some faces. The spread was lovely - and very good value ! bet you can't get that anywhere else, all for a quid :)
Another first class meet in first class company, great to meet old friends again
and to make some new aquaintances, couldn't get round everyone, maybe next time.
Thanks to everyone for a great day.
Big respect to Lyn and the staff at the Stags Head - fantastic spread they put on and thanks to Lyn for the event organising.

I'm 'upping' some video clips to Youtube - I'll post the links when they're ready to go.
Another great day, well done to Lyn, Wendy and Postie.A real nice bunch of people. £1 Buffet £1.90 a pint did i step back in time. Heres to the next one.

BTW David Blues were awful. But a wins awin.
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