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The Ridgeway Erdington

When I was at school in Hastings Road Perry Common there was a Road called Capilano, I wonder where the name came from:)

Hi Alf,
just browsing and came across Hastings Rd School, which is where I went from about 1946 to 1950(born 1935). I lived near the 5a bus terminal and can't recall a road called Capilano, must have been nearer the crossroads end.


Peter B
Hello Peter, did you know the Huggins , Evans, Bayliss, Sylvester families. All from the The Ridgeway and all went to Perry Common School...Cat
Brian Bayliss lived by my Sister in Great Barr if he's the one and his Sister lived in Blackpool
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You didn't say, the two I have went to school with me Brian died a few years ago followed by my Sister.
Hello Peter, did you know the Huggins , Evans, Bayliss, Sylvester families. All from the The Ridgeway and all went to Perry Common School...Cat

Hi Catkin,
I used to have a Huggins family living next to me in Wrekin Road. My daughters Helen and Andrea went to Hawthorn Road school then to Perry Common. Any connections ?
My friend Pat lived in Capilano Road, Perry Common and that was the first Capilano name I had come across. The second Capilano name I am familiar with is in North Vancouver, Canada, If you Google Capilano you will find many references to it as it is associated with the Squamish Indian Band who have lived on these lands for centuries. There is a Capilano University, Golf Club and the famous Capilano Suspension Bridge.
I found this description of the name Capilano online. It is on the Capilano Honey Co site.

The name "Capilano" has a nostalgic connection. It means `rushing water' in the language of the Native Indian tribe, the Squamish, who occupied the Capilano District in North Vancouver, BC, Canada.
It was here that company founder Tim Smith met his wife, Jill, while stationed in Canada as a RAAF flying instructor in World War II.

I know we are still nowhere nearer to finding out why a street in Perry Common was named as such. Have to do a bit more digging.
Jennyann I posted a link about Capilano Indian conection about 12 months ago. It must still be around on the Forum

Couple of my school friends lived there
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Righty O Alf.......I have always been curious as to how Capilano Road was so named. Is there anywhere we can look for road names and connections in the Birmingham area? When would Capilano Road have been built I wonder?
Thanks Alf...I didn't remember that it wasn't that long ago. Perhaps someone on the Council knew the history of the Squamish and Capilano,etc., having visited the area and was able to get the street named as Capilano.
I'm not sure when it was built but I heard somewhere its all been knocked down now
Hello Peter, not related to any of them just wondered if you knew them...Cat
Maybe there was some connection with British Columbia at the time of building Perry Common, one of the adjacent roads to Capilano is Enderby and I note that there's place called Enderby in BC, perhaps there are more, other roads in that patch are Maxted, Dovedale, Jonquil, Buxton, Woodsome, Phoenix, Medwin. E.
hi all catkin has sent these pic sshe thought you may like to look at. one is of herself on the fence at her nans the other is her brother at the allotments... cat is that the fence you were telling me about where you got stuck on lol

thanks cat for sharing these they are lovely

Thank you again Wales, no it was not there, it was a wooden newspaper advertisement box...Cat
ok alf. i will save it again put it back on. think i did something wrong on that one.

alf i have tried with the pic of cats brother but cant do anything. maybe someone can help us with it.

I lived in Capilano Rd, Dovedale Rd of old has being rebuilt and still rebuilding. The junction of Capilano Rd and Dovedale Rd is beyond recognition now.
Hello Jennyann.
Noticed you had a friend PAT who lived in Capilano Road - well, so do I. She now lives in Worcester and we meet during the year to catch up on family news. The family name was GROSS - is it the same PAT, I wonder?