After a bit of a damper we went on to Sutton Park Streetly gate [my least favourite] but had a long walk with the dog [and Peter] but everywhere we went were confronted with cows and dogs off their leads. If there are no other dogs about we let him off as he never runs off [yet] he is microchipped and his colar has our address and phone No on. Well when the cows began to come towards us we made a sharp exit. On the whole not our day today. Never mind you can't win em all. A couple of photo's of the cows in the distance. Bye. Jean. This is not my day they have not gone into fine pics. Arrrgggg. Jean.
Hi David me old son af a gun wher've ya bin?. A couple of people have been killed by cows lately in this country so I keep well away. How are you?. Will be going to the park again next week but not the cow side. Bye. Jean.
Hello A few pictures of Sutton Park I have taken over a time. Must try and get a few fresh ones. Miriam
David I felt exactly the same the park was my playground. In the summer holidays I almost lived there. The worst experience for me was taking my brothers box kite to fly with my friends. This was not an ordinary kite it was in fact an ex navy distress kite my Dad bought from the army and navy store in Brum. It stood about five foot high. The day I took it there were strong winds and the string broke, it took us hours to find it. Still it wasn't as bad as when my brothers flew it off a beach in Bournemouth and the life boat came out because they thought it was a ship in distress. David I can fully understand you going to the park to forget the bombings although I have no idea how difficult it must have been.
Hi our Wend. it's only looking at these post it tends to jog the memory of all what happened in Sutton Park "Borrowin boats on blackroot" midnight swimming in Bracebridge plus lots I ain't told you about, what me and Bob got up to!! great times.
Many many years ago, I saved up and bought a Mills .75cc engine. I built a Keil Kraft 'Pirate' model aeroplane from a kit bought from the shop at the top of Cherry St. Took it to the Golf Course in Sutton Park, filled up the tank, place it on the putting green, started the engine, proudly watched it take off, and climb in gentle circles. The sky was cloudless, and it climbed and climbed until it disappeared, never to be seen again. Saved up again and bought an ED 1cc engine, bought another kit 'Skyscooter', didn't put so much fuel in this time, but it landed in the forest, never saw it again. I tried radio control after that, but hand launched it into a stiff breeze - it went up and straight over my head, big crunch behind me, and I carried the bits home. I did get model aeroplanes sorted eventually....![]()