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Street furniture

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kandor
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New totem poles in Longbridge too. This one on the Bristol Road South near the roundabout. Not too clear, plus also had graffiti on both sides.

They're in Edgbaston too!
Is the last Horse Trough in Birmingham (or at least one of the last few) in Cambridge St ? If you look at Baskerville House, just to one side next to the Library, there is what looks to me like a former Horse Trough but is now a Flower Bed Are there any more about or is this the last one? To the left of the trough there are four drilled holes I now think that there was a plate of some sort that had details of the Trough and that the plate has fell of or has been stolen, a fellow Photographer thinks that it may have been attached to a statue, I am in two minds about this having seen photos of the same type Trough
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I don't remember that one Morturn. I think it was probably because I was fascinated by the the buildings opposite to Woolies. I'm sure there must be a picture of them on the forum somewhere but I haven't found it yet.

Apparently there was a horse trough on the Coventry Road where it forks with Cattell Road, outside the pub, the Greenaway. There's a nice picture on the Old Pubs of Brum thread posted by Phil.
I can certainly remember the one by the Bartons Arms - I passed it every time I got off the No. 6 trams to visit my grandmother.

There was this horse trough in the Bull Ring long ago .. :)
I don't remember that one Morturn. I think it was probably because I was fascinated by the the buildings opposite to Woolies. I'm sure there must be a picture of them on the forum somewhere but I haven't found it yet.

Apparently there was a horse trough on the Coventry Road where it forks with Cattell Road, outside the pub, the Greenaway. There's a nice picture on the Old Pubs of Brum thread posted by Phil.

Do you mean the National School Pen?
I don't remember that one Morturn. I think it was probably because I was fascinated by the the buildings opposite to Woolies. I'm sure there must be a picture of them on the forum somewhere but I haven't found it yet.

Apparently there was a horse trough on the Coventry Road where it forks with Cattell Road, outside the pub, the Greenaway. There's a nice picture on the Old Pubs of Brum thread posted by Phil.
I'm sure I can remember one outside the Bull's Head at Hay Mills, now long gone of course.
I cannot conceive why they are removed, I realise horse transport as long since gone but it is part of our history. Eric
I cannot conceive why they are removed, I realise horse transport as long since gone but it is part of our history. Eric
Probably elfnsafety, you could fall in and drown, I'm just an old cynic of course, I expect there was a much better reason....on second thoughts nah......elfnsafety!!

I'm sure I can remember one outside the Bull's Head at Hay Mills, now long gone of course.
I was thinking that too, but unfortunately it doesn't appear in the photograph in the book of Yardley photographs that we have. Wasn't the one near Catell Street near to a cast iron urinal? Horse troughs were usually placed near steep bits of the road so as to give the poor beasts a chance to rest too.
The Baskerville House troughs above look to be too shallow and too low to the ground. Maybe they have been 're-purposed' and repositioned?
I'm sure I can remember one outside the Bull's Head at Hay Mills, now long gone of course.
I have to admit that I know very little about that area jmadone as I come from the north of the city. However, my husband knows the area so I'll see if he remembers it.
One of these plastic boxes, 20 x 5 x 5 cm, has just appeared on a lamp post opposite my house. There are others in the district too, some only a few hundred metres apart. I don't see any obvious opening for a camera lens or to take in an air sample. Any ideas? (Not in Birmingham).
Not for relaying automatic meter readings. They require a power supply and are much bigger boxes, generally on their own pole. 1415076, probably an item number rather than a location number. Does it look as if if has a power lead coming in for the pole anywhere?

EDIT: It seems to be a multi-way connectivity box, most likely phone connected.

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Re. the black box there is no wiring that I can see, they are just tie-wrapped to the poles. Most are angled at 45 degrees or so to the road but one opposite a T-junction is at right-angles. We have been threatened with a restricted vehicle emissions closer in to town and that makes me wonder if they are passive air quality monitors, (a bit of filter paper), but with modern electronics any sort of temporary data logger could be possible.
Lighting causes a stir in Marston Green in August 1972. Not sure which model was worse. Viv.
It really doesn't matter, there are always objectors but some also who find the stuff attractive. (Windmills anyone?)
Once installed and people become accustomed to their presence they become sort of invisible, nobody notices them......except those amongst us who suffer from ocd. ;)
The bus would survive the 2nd. world war and be withdrawn in 1946. The shelter seems to be from the tramway era, probably at the former 34 tram route terminus.
Rather late notice, but have just been informed, in a conversation with someone from the Hockley Flyer, that the Hockley clock is at this moment being removed for renovation