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Stitchers stitchings

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Because I felt too idle to lay it on the floor and photograph it from standing, I have taken a left and a right while sitting at my desk. As you can see I have done another band across and the portion now finished is about 14 inches from the top down, another 4 inches or so and it will be halfway.
Brilliant Stitcher, apart from lacking the skills I simply have not the patience for such intricate work (thats one of the reasons I changed from Oils to Watercolours), also I do not think my eye sight would be up to it. You are a very talented man. Like you I have very little time for TV. Eric
Hello Eric, It would not bother me if we did not have a t.v. because in my opinion the only things worth watching are repeats but I have seen them all before anyway. You mention your eyes, this picture should be sewn on material with 25 holes to the inch but it was a little too small for me so I am using 18 count. I never do anything I do not enjoy and that really helps me to be happy 99.99% of the time. You mentioned talent, your paintings are brilliant Eric.
Hello Shortie, I sew a line from top to bottom of the material, and a line across the center from side to side. Each stitch in these klines is ten squares long, using this method makes it much easier to see if a stitch you are doing is in the correct place.
Yes I do that Stitcher, but with this one it has not been any help. I normally start from the centre, but with this one I did that and it went awry, when I started it the second time I am not sure where I started. I think the error has occutred it's because it is one stitch of a colour, another two of another, and then so on and so on - all with different shades of green. Looking at it today I have spotted something that should have never happened - I had used two shades of green and obviously put them back in the organiser the wrong way round, so I have a small sqare of the wrong sort of green. That's because I used two greens without putting the first one back! Naughty I know, but not something I usually do.
Stitcher - I think you're stitchings are wonderful............. and inspirational. I am copying the idea of naming and dating the finished piece as, like you, I have several pieces but, alas, I never signed them.
I am working on a Millenium Piece - yes! been going a long time but I have promised myself I WILL finish it this year.
The problem is I am in a group that donates quilts to Breast Cancer Sufferers and we all stitch a square for the quilter to make up and there is always a demand...... and then I am also in a Card Swap group and I love stitching little pictures...... I could never attempt a masterpiece like yours and I really appreciate you showing them to us.
Keep on Stitching
7 Millenium Corsstitching Anggel as per 04.05 small.JPG
Bishopsmate, thank you so much for your nice comments about my work. I did post a long time ago that when I was a bouncer I used to make my own dress shirts. When I was courting my wife I made her a few clothes and after we got married I made most of her dresses and jeans. Now we are older so we don't go out in the evening so often and I do not make clothes any longer. This resulted in Xstitch taking the place of tailoring and dressmaking about fifteen years ago. I quite enjoy it and all our friends express an interest in what I am doing whenever they visit. In my opinion football and boxing are not waht they used to be so I have no interest in sport these days, most things on the T.V, should not be labelled as entertainment ( again my opinion) so the forum and stitching keeps me occupied whenever i am not gardening, shopping with the wife or cooking occasionally.

Shortie, you can do it and it will look fine when it is finished.
happy to help shortie..i have sent you a message on how to rotate your pics before posting them..

Thanks Lyn, much appreciated. I hope you are right Stitcher, it really is a nuisance one. I have just given the sampler one a little wash, as it was looking slightly sad and I have to say I am eager to finish this one too. Must try and keep the impetus going. If I live to be 100, I shall not ever be as practised as you are, or ever get so many lovely pictures finished.
002.JPGThere are 324 stiches per Square inch on this pattern but that number should be greater. It should be sewn on 25 count material but that was too small for my old eyes so I am using 18 count. The dark area in the middle is the piece that is taking the time but I am almost through it now.

Shortie, I also use a magnifier with a built in lamp and I use a low watt dayglow bulb.
I shall have to look into a magnifier with a lamp too, I had thought of that prior to this but it did not get any further than thinking about it. I have a dayglow bulb which I use on a lead, but I find it does not give me light quite where I need it. I think I know the answer now!
Yes,I always use 'daylight' bulbs (usually blue) when painting in the evening, more restful to the eyes, also the colours are 'truer' - important in painting. Eric
That is true with the thread colours as well Eric, when using several shades of one colour they are more easily identified with the dayglow bulb.
Shortie, you should have left those pictures on this thread because it is there for anyone to display their needlework or to talk about it.
Stitcher - I thought it was for your stitchings only and they were just pics, not my work as that's unfinished. Do you want me to repost then? I can do that tomorrow if you do.
That is entirely up to you Shortie but it does give other folk a chance to look and maybe pass a comment or two.
Re. the magnifyer with lamp, I am sure you will find one a godsend as I do. I even keep a spare bulb for mine.

There you are Stitcher - better than a picture, this is the actual work. I don't know if they are visible on here but is has marks on it, it is kept in a drawer in a proper work organiser, but I will use Vanish on it when it's complete. A couple of things wrong, where I read the instructions wrongly, but nothing that cannot be altered speedily (some outlines were done in more than one thread) . Looking at it now, I cannot remember which bit I had problems with, but you will see the flowers in the bottom section are not cross stitch in part, and it was something to do with this funny stitch that I could not get right. it must e ten years since I have picked this up, so perhaps it will get finished shortly! If this is upside down, please forgive me, I cannot see the arrows Lyn said were there, but I will get there eventually. Shortie

There you are Stitcher - better than a picture, this is the actual work. I don't know if they are visible on here but is has marks on it, it is kept in a drawer in a proper work organiser, but I will use Vanish on it when it's complete. A couple of things wrong, where I read the instructions wrongly, but nothing that cannot be altered speedily (some outlines were done in more than one thread) . Looking at it now, I cannot remember which bit I had problems with, but you will see the flowers in the bottom section are not cross stitch in part, and it was something to do with this funny stitch that I could not get right. it must e ten years since I have picked this up, so perhaps it will get finished shortly! If this is upside down, please forgive me, I cannot see the arrows Lyn said were there, but I will get there eventually. Shortie
See the arrows? cant even see the Indians Bernard
hi shortie....the arrows i was on about are not on photobucket...they are on my pc..i turn them the right way round before putting them into my photobucket file...:encouragement:

hope you can sort it out..
or are you ok with it now..

OOps Lyn, got it wrong. Never mind, I think I have sorted the whole thing out now, the other ones I posted on another thread were fine.
Shortie, get it completed then take it to the shop and have it stretched and framed. I am sure it will look exquisite.
Thanks Stitcher. I have already started it, but have to take it slowly as my eyes don't stand me doing much at a time these days. I have undone a couple of things I had done wrongly and re-done them. I thought the silks were dull ones, but it seems they had sent me so little it seemed dull rather than glossy, but I have now found out that I can use DMC threads - it took a long time to find what they were. Can't remember the name offhand but began with a 'C'. the numbers are all in the 6000's. The middle bit at the bottom is still baffling me - I may decide to put something else in its place, it's a really difficult shape with lots of half and quarter stitches. I shall leave that till last. I shall keep you informed!
Shortie, like you I can not sit sewing for hours as I have done in the past so I do a bit of sewing a bit of sorting out and a bit of reading, scanning and posting.
Well mine had to be interspersed with housework unfortunately! I would love to sew more than I do at the moment, but perhaps when my specs have been changed it may make a difference. Seeing optician on 24th, so will know after that if this is something I have to live with. Just looking at a conversion site, the floss that came with my kit is Candamar. Never heard of it before, have you? I now can get DMC or Anchor to match, so no excuses for not finishing this!
Hello again Shortie, I don't use kits I prefer to buy a pattern/chart and the required threads. I always use DMC and if you find a good quality sewing shop you can buy a conversion chart giving the numbers from other threads to DMC. Now get you eyes checked and enjoy your sewing.
Hi Stitcher - there is a web site with all the conversions on - that is how I found out what threads they were - but obviously I shall take my threads with me to make sure I am getting the right ones. I have to say I was delighted to find this web site but can't remember the name offhand. I do get my eyes checked every year, it's not something I neglect, but this year, the first time in a long time, I have noticed a difference. Old age methinks!

I remember earlier today why I had stopped sewing - I found my fingers became numb, and just gave up doing things that made it happen, but then I found I had carpel tunnel syndrome in both hands. Operations now complete but after not sewing for many years, it's not easy to pick things up and get going agai - I had found other things to take its place.
In my experience, pattern pieces overlap by three stitches usually but a few days ago I joined two pieces together and got on with the sewing. after a couple of days it became apparent that something was amiss. I soon found the problem, the overlay should have been two stitches but I had overlapped three. It has taken my spare time for three days to unpick the wrong stitches and put the pattern right. I have started sewing again now and I will reach the end of the row in about three weeks time so I will post a picture then to show my progress.
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I have done another row of pattern pages across the material and the pencil cross you can see just below the middle is in fact the centre of the picture.