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Stitchers stitchings

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stitcher
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Hello again Lindyloo, I have only been in Selly Oak for minor problems and although I always write a letter praising the staff I never felt obiged to give them a sewing, the same goes for Q.E. Mind you if my wife or I were taken into The Q.E. as an in-patient I am sure we would give one to the ward.

Hello Stitcher, I only asked about the QE because I am an outpatient there at the moment and thought maybe I might see your stitchings there..hopefully neither you or your good lady will have cause to be inpatients there at any time (or anywhere else for that matter ) :)

This is the jig-saw puzzle I mentioned earler' it is the Flatford Mill on The River Stour.

This is a close-up of a section of it to prove it is a jigsaw puzzle. It has over four thousand pieces and measures four feet by three feet six inches. I went into a chemist shop on Coventry road once for a fresh air spray for my black taxi and I noticed a photograhic dept set up in the corner of the shop. When I took a closer look I saw they could enlarge a photo to poster size and seal it with a cling film sort of plastic. It could be done in a gloss like a glass finish but I chose a matte sort of finish. It has been on our dining room wall for thirty five years and it is still a topic of conversation.
That must have taken a lot of hours to complete, I was a jigaw fanatic many years ago but never tackled more than a thousand piece jigsaw. I love John Constable, his paintings make lovely jigsaws and I once done one of the Hay Wain Eric
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Hello cookie, I was an avid jigsawer when I was younger but I have not done one for years now, well not a real one. I have a thing on the computer whereby it will turn one of my pictures into a puzzle. I have to tell it what size and how many pieces I want then I move the pieces with the curser and it can be saved when I turn the machine off. I do not use it so much now because of my sewing. As you say Constables pictures are a pleasure to look at.
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My girls had a jigsaw that came with a sort of laminate sheet, when they had made the puzzle,it went into this laminate bag and you held a match to one of the corners and it shrink wrapped it - the picture was Cinderella and my daughters were not happy when they realised they couldn't re-do the puzzle like all of their other ones!

I was attracted to this one because I spent quite a number of years tramping all over England Scotland and Wales in an HGV.

I did a set of about twenty three of these Flower Faries for no other reason than I do a lot of work in garden so I am familiar with the various blossoms. The wife also liked them and suggested I do them and we all know what they say about she who will be obeyed. They all measure about twenty inches by fourteen inches.
The first one is the Apple Blossom Fairy, I must point out that the order they are in is random so the first one could have been the last on I completed.
The second one is The Sycamore Fairy.
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Beautiful Stitcher. I have always loved flower fairies after having been given a book of them as a child. Funny how some things stay with you from childhood.
I know what you mean Wendy but I worked on doors and looked after a few important people when I was younger so I cant tell I like Flower Fairies now can I??

The Wild Rose Fairy, sorry it is a little blurred and if anyone wants a better picture I will do it tomorrow.


This is a nice one, Strawberry Fairy.
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Stitcher, your work is indeed beautiful and expertly done; much to be admired.

I know about the Flower Fairies made famous by Cicely M. Barker. Some years ago I sold, amongst many other things, books based on her work. I haven't given them much, if any, thought for some years but I often wonder who moves small items, particularly small figures, around on my garden railway. Now I know! :friendly_wink:
Thank you for the compliment Alan, strange things can, and do happen at night but I don't think they would harm you. Ha Ha
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The Cherry Blossom Fairy.


The Hyacinth Fairy. The black bit in the corner is the end of the T.V. sorry but it is easier than getting them off the wall to photograhp them.
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A little break from The Flower Fairies. This is similar to one I gave to a Hospice in Selly Oak but that one had the 23rd psalm beneath the image.

The Water Bindweed Fairy

This is a nice one, The Pear Blossom Fairy

This one does not have a title, it is on the wall at the top of our stairs and measures about 2'6"x3'.
These are Xstitch copies of paintings by an artist whose name was Hummel, the same images have been used to adorn coffee mugs and tha like over the years.


Here are two little boys.
Such an amazing collection of needlework Stitcher. I sometimes see the Humel figures in Thrift shops, well locked up as they are very valuable.
I remember people in Erdington having some on display many years ago. They are very special. Thanks for posting your amazing work.
jennyann, thank you for those nice words and I can assure you that if these pictures cause a bit of interest or stir a memory for anyone, then it is my pleasure to post them. Sadly I do not have pictures of all the ones that are abroad beacause when I started I never imagined I would join this forum and I did not keep photos of all of them. I do have a photo of one that I sent to The Lord Mayor of New York after the Sept,11th atrocity.
Thanks again.
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I have done a number of these quotes by famous people but I have given most of the away to friends and aquaintances over the years.

I was asked via Email if I had sewn a tallship, here it is. If you want a better picture so you can download it let me know.
Trevor I have forwarded the picture to Miriam and she asked if you would ever sell it as it is so beautiful?. Jean.


The top one is The Spindleberry Fairy and the bottom one The Elderberry Fairy.
Top one is The Candytuft Fairy.

The bottom one is The Sweet Pea Fairy
001.JPGI had to roll the sewing up onto the top roller so that I could start another section so I took a photo while it was open. It is 450 stitches wide and it will be a little under 600 long when finished. What you can see is 12 pages of the pattern from a total of 36.
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