In the song Goodbyee Nan would sing, "Though it's hard to part I know, I'll,,,,be......tittled ta death ta go" And in Stop Your Tickling Jock, she sang "stop yer tittle in tittle little little in, "tickled pink
trundle off
Grandad would say that and add Spaniel, to me.'hello me old cocker'
Just thought I'd add this bit as I only found out recently.Nan used to get an attack of the agues too. The hot and cold shivers, my mate used to say the hotaches. Mum said the heebiejeebies but that was when she was scared.
Arm a coddin, Virginia Brummie, I get the same. Or if I insist, 'What da you talk about now.?'Did any body see Tim Vine.He said
that's what Birmingham people say to bees !!
Shut your face an give your horse a chance. Don`t know that one.What about "Shut yer face an give yer @rse a chance".