Dad, being an electrician built a new television for the coronation. Because we had plenty of time to ready ourselves for the occasion in our road (Coleraine)
the residents formed a committee to organise events for the day. We had lots of people in our house all peering at a 9” screen. For the neighbours to get to know each other, the committee hired the hall in Dorrington road school, where on Friday nights they would hold social evenings. At these events they would raise funds to for the great day, there would a trio dance band so we could all dance together, i.e. the hokey cokey and many other silly things, spot prizes, and games for us children. As the months rolled on the funds grew.
The men of the road had many talents, Brick layers, carpenters, electricians, coal miners(Hamstead Pit) they all pulled together for the day. In those days there was nothing but fields at the back of Coleraine road (belonged to the coal board) The men laid out a running track for a sporting day, Sack race, egg and spoon, and they also built a cycle race track, With such a large amount of cash that had been built up they acquired two marquees, one was to hold the tea party, sandwiches, jelly, and cakes, and ice cream all free!! the other marquee was the beer tent for the men and women and again all free, It was the first time I had seen my Mom and Dad in a merry state.