There were a number of pictures in that old paper but they were so badly damaged it was impossible to do anything with them, still those couple stirred a few memories which is what it is all about.
I have a picture of our street party somewhere. I'll have a search. I just about remember everything about the actual day. We were all very excited because my big sister and her husband had bought a .....TELEVISION with a very small screen, but in those days that was the state of the art.
My sister prepared a wonderful spread, and all our family sat around this tiny screen (in a BIG cabinet) and watched our Queen crowned.
Not only were we celebrating our new sovereign, but it was the chance of a wonderful family day.
I went to two street parties - my sister's street - then - in Appleton Avenue Great Barr, (many moves since, and now in Aussie) and my street, geographically outside the Birmingham Forum !
Our school presented us all with a tiny dictionary with a little strap across with a picture of the Queen mounted on it. I still have this.