Sadly I don't remember it as I was only three months old. My middle name is Elizabeth named after the Queen being born in Coronation year. My brothers got first choice with Wendy after watching Peter Pan. We lived in Coleraine Road Great Barr and like others Dad made sure we had a TV, that meant a house full. My fathers family had a very large tea urn used at many family functions. My mother used this as she didn't want to miss a minute of the event. She told me they all helped themselves to tea. They had a street party I will have to ask our John about that.
I am in the pic!!!A couple of Coronation photos that are also in the 'old evening mail pics' thread.
Sycamore Rd Aston (click on the pic for full size)
I lived on the Beeches Estate in Great Barr and we also had flags strung across the street as in the photo above.
Our flags were put up a week before the event and I remember at night listening to them flapping in the breeze.
We liked our flags way back then.
Parked cars can just be seen in the Alma Street photo – but a place was found to lay the tables. Looks like they have eaten most of the spread.
The reign of Elizabeth II was about to start. Rationing had ended and the 'good old 1950's' were under way.
Alma St Aston 1953
While you were in the junior school our street party was in the infants section see #106 above.I found these photos of the Coronation Celebrations in Blakenhale Infants School playgroundin Outmore Road. They aren't very good quality I'm afraid but maybe good enough to spot yourself or a family member. I will try and scan them in if I can get my scanner to work. Malcolm.
Hi Malcolm. I am the owner of the originals of these.I found these photos of the Coronation Celebrations in Blakenhale Infants School playgroundin Outmore Road. They aren't very good quality I'm afraid but maybe good enough to spot yourself or a family member. I will try and scan them in if I can get my scanner to work. Malcolm.
What a brilliant coincidence. My grandparents and parents lived at the end of Outmore Road by the now demolished 'Technical College'. As I grew up there I knew quite a few people from Carter's Hurst from school. Our name was Robinson, we lived at the end of Outmore next to Kents, Prews, Williams, Smiths, Llewelyns, Robothams, Prestons then I lose a few then there was another Williams, Osbornes and Whites. And many more I have forgotten! I thinks the Garvey's lived on the corner house heading into Carter's Hurst and I think Terry Sheppard lived near there too. There was also a super smart girl in my class in Blakenhale called Gail who I think lived in Carter's Hurst too. How brilliant it was your dad's band.Hi Malcolm. I am the owner of the originals of these.. My brother and sister are in them and the band that's set up was my dad's. The other ones of fancy dress were the residents from Carter's Hurst and Outmore Road.
Hi Malcolm. I am the owner of the originals of these.. My brother and sister are in them and the band that's set up was my dad's. The other ones of fancy dress were the residents from Carter's Hurst and Outmore Road.